Messiah Seed 68 Masks and Facets Messiah, realize that what you - TopicsExpress


Messiah Seed 68 Masks and Facets Messiah, realize that what you outwardly portray your Self as believing may not be what you really believe. What you consciously say you want may not be what you really want. How you act may tell a different story than what you say. Know that to say something is true does not make it true. What this means is that there is a disparity between what you are and what you project outwardly. Come to see this disparity. Do not judge the disparity that you find, but do see it, so that it may be a conscious choice and not a Self-deception. You each play many different roles, with a different face for each role. Do not be afraid to look at the disparity in your life, for it is by seeing and naming the disparity that you can come to see what is you and what is not you. Through identifying your different masks you will come to better see your Self. Only by seeing your masks can you see with clarity the unified being that lies beneath them. Know that masks are not wrong, for you are a multi-dimensional being with many facets. Realize the difference between when you are wearing a mask to distort your Self, and when you are wearing a mask to enhance and focus a particular aspect of your Self. Learn to embrace your faceted nature. Do not fall into believing that to be ‘enlightened’ is to become one consistent, ultimate state of being. Such a belief is a constraint on the exploration of being. Let your Self experience life in many ways, not in just one way. Your faceted nature is a part of the freedom of your being. Feel free to play different characters in the experience of your life. To say you are faceted is to say that you each have the ability to be anything that you wish to be, in any way that you wish to be it. Know God as a diamond with an infinite number of facets. No one facet is God and yet each facet is an equal projection of the unified whole. Realize that a facet is a property of a diamond and, whilst being something unto itself, it cannot be separated from the whole. Know your Self as an evolving facet of God
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 14:06:34 +0000

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