Met with casens neurosurgeon today, he said if casens platlet - TopicsExpress


Met with casens neurosurgeon today, he said if casens platlet count is 100 or above by thursday he will have surgery friday. If not they will recheck them next week. Today they were 24. He said he will be going in to remove the part of the tumor that is inside the spine/ around the spinal cord. Another surgeon, Dr Davidoff will be removing the remainder of that tumor within a week after. Casen also has a new spot that lit up on his mibg scan. It is on his kidney and Dr furman (neuroblastoma specialist) is very puzzled by this. He claims its not something he has ever seen, Im assuming by that he means a new spot coming up in the middle of treatment since everything should be shrinking and disappearing. They intend on going after that tumor too, pretty quickly after these other two surgeries from what we understand. All of this is alot to take in and understand. We are asking for alot of prayers as the doctors try to figure out what to do about the new stuff. We havent posted about it because we really dont have much to say since the doctors cant answer any questions about it. Thanks again for all the prayers and support as we make everyday as normal as possible for our little man. We try to get him out and do fun things with him as often as we can to make this as pleasant for him as we can.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 03:44:54 +0000

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