Metamorphosis ... Revealing the real you!!! SUNDAY, 18TH AUGUST - TopicsExpress


Metamorphosis ... Revealing the real you!!! SUNDAY, 18TH AUGUST 2013 INDOCTRINATE YOUR MIND “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:” Rom 8:16 I remember one time I was ministering in a gathering of believers and I asked the folks to raise their hands if they were born again. As was expected, everybody did! Then I asked them to tell me how they knew they were born again. I asked them that if someone came and said they weren’t really born again, how were they going to prove that they were born again for real. Of course, there were many varying answers to this simple question. Some said they feel the transformation in their lives. Others said they have a God-consciousness they never had before while some others said they just know they are born again. Well, the word of God in our theme scripture today is the only genuine answer. The word says that the Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit. In other words, the Holy Ghost confirms to our spirit man that we are the children of God. This must mean that our spirit man has this awareness and the Holy Ghost just confirms it to him. You see, when you got born again, it was your spirit that got born again and that’s why it is the spirit that has this conviction of salvation! The mind and the flesh were not part of the salvation experience. They were never born again so you cannot allow them define who you are in Christ. You are not a child of God because you feel like it or because you think so. You are one because your spirit man has been recreated in Christ Jesus. It is only in the process of time that the mind becomes indoctrinated with this new reality. So never mind that thoughts may come to your mind trying to prove to you that you are not really saved. You may have thoughts like “if I am really born again why do I still do this or do that”. You must understand that the mind and senses need to be re-educated on the new state of things in your spirit. Hence, the need for the renewal of the mind! As you study and study the word concerning the new creation and see yourself in the light of the word, soon enough your mind will pick up the lesson and begin to function correspondingly! DIGGING DEEP: Rom 12:2 PERSONAL STUDY: Neh 4-7, Psalm 119:1-16 PRAYER/CONFESSION: Precious Father I thank you for making me a new creation in Christ Jesus. I declare that I am born again and filled with the Holy Ghost. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and I function in righteousness in Jesus name.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 23:20:15 +0000

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