Metaphors List of Metaphors 800 lb gorilla A blanket of snow A - TopicsExpress


Metaphors List of Metaphors 800 lb gorilla A blanket of snow A colorful remark was not half bad either. A different tack a heart of blackness A heart of gold a heart of stone A laugh in a sea of sadness. A light in a sea of darkness. A rainbow of flavors. A riverboat shall be my horse. A stitch in time saves nine. Aesopian language Albatross America is a melting pot for people from all parts of the world. An infinite spectrum of possibilities Apollo archetype Apple of my eye As blind as a bat As busy as a bee As gentle as a lamb As quiet as a mouse As slippery as an eel As smart as a fox As strong as an ox As wise as an owl Astroturfing Authority is a chair Bad apples excuse Batten down the hatches Battle of egos Belling the cat Big red button Bi-ja Birds of a feather flock together. Black-and-white dualism blank check: Blind men and an elephant Boiling frog Bootstrapping Brass monkey Brass ring bread and circuses: Broken heart Bucket brigade Butterfly effect By and large Cabin fever Camels nose Can Catch-22 (logic) Chain reaction character assassination: Cherry picking (fallacy) Chicken or the egg China Syndrome Chinese fire drill Choices are crossroads. City on a Hill Cold feet Crocodiles teeth are white daggers Crossing the Rubicon Cultural mosaic Dark/Black Horse Dead cat bounce Domino effect Don Dont judge a book by its cover Drowning in the sea Drunkards search Dry powder Duck test Early to bed, early to rise, makes one healthy, wealthy and wise. Elephant in the room Enchanted loom Fatted calf Fear is a beast that feeds on attention Few bad apples Figurehead Five wisdoms Flogging a dead horse fly like a bird Fog of war For me, time is money. Fork in the road Four Asian Tigers Gates of horn and ivory Gold in the mine Goodnight. Sleep tight. Don Gordian Knot Government in the sunshine: grandfather grassroots: Greek to me Green shoots grey area Ground zero He basted her with flattery to get the job. He faded off to sleep, while I was still talking to him. He had a coarse manner of speech He has a heart of stone. He has the heart of a lion He is all heartbroken He is the shinning star of our school. He is the sun of my sky He swam in the sea of diamonds He tried to help but his legs were wax Her bubbly personality cheered him up. Her deep dark secret was revealed to everyone. Her hair was bone white Her home was a prison, I wonder, how does she live there. Her soft voice was music to Andys ears. Her voice is music to his ears. His belt was a snake curling around his waist His Eye Is on the Sparrow His hair is a white snowflake and his hair is a messy haystack His head was spinning with ideas. His home was a prison. His monkey mind is always full of new ideas. His silken lies went unheard in the court of law. Hobsons choice Holy Grail Honesty is the best policy. Hue and cry Hungry ghost I do not like him because he is a shady character. I have been waiting for the sweet smell of success which has now finally reached me. Ideas are water Ideas are wings Im heartbroken. Information travels faster in this modern age as our days start crawling away. Inverted pyramid Invincible ignorance fallacy Iron (metaphor) It is raining cats and dogs Its going to be clear skies from now on. Jumping for joy Jumping the shark Keep your eyes peeled. Kicked the bucket Lame Duck landslide victory: Late bloomer Law of the instrument Left high and dry Life has a tendency to come back and bite you in the ass. Life is a journey. Life is a mere dream Life is a rollercoaster which every one has to go through. Lifes journey is a bicycle ride down the hill Light of their life Love is a battlefield Love is a bond Love is a camera Love is a captive animal Love is a fine wine Love is a fluid in a container Love is a fragile flower opening to the warmth of spring Love is a garden Love is a growing garland Love is a natural force Love is a physical force Love is a social superior Love is a thrill ride Love is a unity of parts Love is an economic exchange Love is an experiment Love is an opponent Love is fire Love is like an adventure Love is rapture/a high Love is the air Love is war Mama grizzly McNamara fallacy melting pot Mindstream Monkey see Moral compass Mother lode Muckraking Mudslinging Musical chairs My brother was boiling mad. My memory is a little cloudy about that incident. No-win situation Nutshell Once your hearts been broken it grows back bigger Only shades of gray make up life according to her. Ostrich effect paper candidate: parachute candidate / carpetbagger: Pear-shaped Plateau effect Podunk Point of no return poison pill. Pole position pork barrel legislation or patronage: Post turtle Pull your socks up puppet government: Pyrrhic victory Reality is an enemy Red pill and blue pill Reverse ferret rider riding coattails: Rolling in dough Roof of the World Rosetta Stone Saber noise sacred cow: sacrificial lamb: salad bowl Salad days Salt and Light Seeing pink elephants
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 11:47:26 +0000

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