Metro in Las Vegas (police dept) has a bad history and reputation. - TopicsExpress


Metro in Las Vegas (police dept) has a bad history and reputation. This is known, and I have first hand experience of their mistreatment of civilians. What I have never seen until this afternoon is the depths of their willingness to lie, stick to the lie, and then when caught, stupidly admit to the lie...while still saying that the lie they were caught in was what actually happened. I sat in on Jim Duensings trial today, and got to hear the direct examination and cross examination of the officer that shot Jim five years ago. I would love to know if there will be an investigation into his perjury, and a Nevada Bar association investigation into the prosecutor who either led the cop to lie, didnt check out the testimony beforehand, or did not accept and apologize when the officer admitted to not knowing the law he earlier testified as a law enforcer to know as the law. I will explain I found the officer deceptive about 5 or 6 times during his direct examination. I dont know the story from Jims own words, or the facts of the case, or the testimony of the other people in the past few days...I just know when someone is very uncomfortable with what they are saying...or implying. Turns out, so does Jims attorney. Every single one of the deceptions was apparently DIRECTLY contradicted by the same officers grand jury testimony and his voluntary statement about the incident after the incident happened...however the prosecutor, while knowing the testimony and under oath account to the grand jury, allowed this officer to embellish, add or subtract details, or outright LIE and she encouraged it. And then Jims attorney got his turn. Nothing, and I mean nothing is more uncomfortable looking than a gazelle cornered by a lion, except a cop who is confronted with HIS OWN WORDS. Not only did a cop and CCW holder not know that it was not an obligation to disclose to any cop you talk to that you are in possession of a ccw license or weapon (you only must answer if directly asked); but he lied about where he was standing, where jim was, the time and distance it took/was traveled, how long after the incident his statement was taken, where the gun was found, whether he has seen the gun being moved to a wall, what he said after the incident, if he was running or slowing down when shooting, jims demeanor/stance...ever single important detail, this cop embellished and lied to make it sound like he was justified...when in actual fact, his own testimony and written statement proved him wrong...did he not think his own words would be admissible? Then, when asked directly Did you have an opportunity to walk the area with other officers, look at the gun they found, ask questions and answer questions with the other officers...and then exclaim Im relieved you found a gun BEFORE GIVING YOUR STATEMENT TO DETECTIVES. He said yes. If that is not tainting a witness, tampering with a witness, preparing a witness, and a list of other offenses...I dont know what is. I am ashamed to have this liar working for our county. I am ashamed that the DA is pursuing this case. This cop is a liar, and I dont want him anywhere near me in this city. How can I be sure he wont shoot me or someone I care about? It is because of cops like this that the rest get a bad reputation. Dont tell me all cops arent bad when this one clearly is and hasnt been punished. Here is a cop who perjured himself and is costing a man his possible freedom, and almost his life. and he still carries a badge and a gun.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 02:25:24 +0000

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