Mexico a failed state? Uruguays Mujica thinks so. President - TopicsExpress


Mexico a failed state? Uruguays Mujica thinks so. President Jose Mujica: a stupid, bigmouthed fool. Mexico looks like a failed state he said recently with enthusiasm. An anecdote I read: Nadia now lives in Mexico. She has lived in Mexico for a long time. She gets around on public transportation, receives her teachers salary through bank deposit, has social security, a retirement fund, she travels to the beach during vacations, and she adores Acapulco. Her mother even received cancer treatment through Mexicos universal healthcare system which benefits low-income individuals, and both lived in an apartment acquired through Infonavit. Nadia is Uruguayan. She left her country after spending some time in prison being tortured by the military which governed her country during those years. The Uruguayans took away her small child with whom she lost contact and the psychological damage left by the physical and moral suffering of her Uruguayan experience has not allowed her to sleep in peace since then. She arrived in Mexico with support from other Uruguayans and afterward, she sent for her mother to join her. Both found in their new home the support, friendship, and warmth of the Mexican people. Nadia, although crazy and eccentric, rebuilt her life surrounded by students and friends who always gave her their love and understanding. What is left is to ask the president of Uruguay if all of this is possible in a failed state. In the selfish and self-interested vision of this idiotic Latin American left, Mexico is a failed state and, of course, Venezuela is an example of progress and governance. The disturbances, the murders, the riots, and the police repression in Venezuela and Brazil, suspiciously, did not merit a comment from this brilliant personality whose loose mouth has gotten him in trouble with many but which has, nonetheless, shied away from the least amount of criticism toward its ideological allies. What is true is that we find in many South American voices and opinions these types of declarations, based more on the personal desires of their authors than on a rigorous analysis of reality. Its not that Mexico doesnt have problems (which country doesnt?), THE ISSUE IS THAT WE SHOULD NOT PERMIT THEM TO GAIN POLITICAL BENEFIT FROM MEXICOS TRAGEDIES. What we see in these populist governments of South America is the necessity to supplement their shortcomings and failures in the local arena with an ugly demagogic raucousness of which Mexico is a favorite target. Apparently, Nadias mother died a few years ago. She loved to watch the city lights from her favorite lookout near the highway to Cuernavaca, the City of Eternal Spring. In her eyes, which reflected the enormous sea of light in the valley below, the nostalgia was evident. On one occasion she was apparently heard saying that Uruguay was the garden of our birth, but the Uruguayans expelled us from this garden, tortured us, forgot us; and whats worse, they took the child. Uruguay can go to shit... a country of death-driven idiots. Upon learning of the declarations of this Uruguayan diplomatic midget, I couldnt agree more with the old woman. mexico.cnn/nacional/2014/11/22/mexico-da-la-sensacion-de-ser-un-estado-fallido-dice-jose-mujica
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 11:56:25 +0000

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