Mexico is the lab of the illuminati for many years, they tested - TopicsExpress


Mexico is the lab of the illuminati for many years, they tested the killing and torture of the population before to start doing it in the States, the CIA-Bush even keep slavery and stealing natural resources as a common activity by the Government, as well as stealing huge amounts of taxes like in the States today The New World Order is not understood by the psycopath jew illuminati, the jew illuminati professor infiltering UPIICSA-IPN, he could not copy my thesis right, no knowlede in industrial engineering as a science, So the Rothschild family are using my technology called ERP to make accounting and fiscal fraud using India for fiscal consolidation, stealing our taxes The problem with the New World Order is that the politicians are not reading my thesis, based on ERP technology, so they are hearing fake jew illuminati ideas, and no national plans at all, education is an integral part of my technology, called ERP I think that this guy is not only muslim but as well jew because they are making money killing people, so something is wrong with the numbers, he is killing more people, he uses family member infiltering the army working for the CIA-Bush multinational army
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 16:26:55 +0000

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