Mexico will not go to Brazil. I am writing it just 10 minutes - TopicsExpress


Mexico will not go to Brazil. I am writing it just 10 minutes before the kickoff. When a semi—authoritarian democracy such as USA*, the phrase Banana republic is abused and most of the time it should be followed by “Sic!” However, all the high ranking members of the Mexican Association Football Federation should offer their resignations for running their national team as a Banana Republic! How can any team succeed who goes through 4 coaches? I do wish all the best to New Zealand and why I do believe that Mexico, as the USA’s next door neighbor, should have been treated better and in accordance with the policy of the Neighborly Needs, I do also believe that Mr. Plattini is right and that there should be no playoffs, at least not at the global scale. Mr. Plattini says 40 teams in the World Cup, but the solution is yet simpler; 38 teams! One full spot for Oceania; full spots for CONCACAF, Asia, and South America. *(Presidential system: I saw an educated idiot on the Comedy Channel who wrote the book about the “Bully Pulpit;” there is no such a thing as the Bully Pulpit in the USA; the President can render the Judiciary impotent by telling the Department of Justice not to investigate; he (or she—yeah right, this will never happen in USA; may be Turkey, but not USA! No way a woman will ever be the president ;) the president’s veto is very hard to overcome and he can run the show with the executive orders)
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 20:36:16 +0000

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