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Mezopotamian Development Society (Registered) THE MOST REQUESTED DAILY & ONLY INDEPENDENT NEWSSERVICE ON KURDISTAN FOR THE HIGHLY INVOLVED PEOPLE TODAY’S MESOP BREAKING : KILL ALL JEWS ! BREAKING: Just hours ago, pro-Hamas protesters gathered in Paris and trapped hundreds of Jews in a synagogue. They then threw rocks and bricks at the synagogue and reports say they were chanting Death to Jews. The Jews were permitted to leave after riot police broke up the mob. Two members of the Jewish community were lightly injured. Disgusting. TODAY’S MESOP QUOTATION : CHANGE LIST Mohammed Towfiq, Change list spokesperson: No one can talk about internal issues of Iraq. Its not your business. It should be regarded as an internal issue. Iraq is no more. We do not have any more a common border with the central government. I dont want to comment on what Israel says, but its the natural right of the Kurds to decide on an independent Kurdistan, or not. If they want to stay in Iraq, or outside Iraq. Iraq is artificial. 13-7-2014 TODAY’S MESOP OPINION : An unparalleled comparative Why we cant compare Kurdistan to Israel! Dr. Dlear Zindrou – ekurd net – 12-7-2014 - From being a long sought dream of all Kurds, independence seems to be closer than ever, but yet far and very difficult achievable task. Surprisingly, the bitter past history of our nation and the recent course of events in the Middle East and the situation on the ground, makes one wonder what outcome are we expecting! Independence after almost a century of hardship endurance by Kurds in all parts of Kurdistan since the end of WWI, and even long before, is the ever greatest national achievement that all Kurds embrace whole heartedly. Read all: SOUTH KURDISTAN (IRAQ) MESOP Iraq conflict: Foreign Minister Zebari urges PM to apologise BBC – 12-7-2014 - Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari has urged PM Nouri Maliki to apologise for saying the Kurdish region authorities are sheltering extremists. In an exclusive BBC interview, Mr Zebari said that unless Mr Maliki withdrew his remarks, Kurds would find it very difficult to work with him. Kurdish ministers have suspended participation in government in protest.The row between the autonomous region and the Baghdad authorities threatens to further destabilise the country.Kurdish Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari: You cannot work with somebody who calls your terrorists. Read all: MESOP : Foreign Minister Zebari: Iraq Is Facing a Mortal Threat Interview Conducted By Bernhard Zand / DER SPIEGEL - GERMANY 13-7-2014 - In an interview, Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, a Kurd, warns that his country is threatened with collapse under the pressure posed by ISIS terrorists. But, he says, it isnt a civil war yet.Read all: MESOP Report : REVENGE OF THE KURDS II Can the Kurds prevent Maliki from sabotaging the countrys oil infrastructure? BY Keith Johnson - 13-7-2014 – Updated – FOREIGN POLICY - Iraqi Kurds capped a week of steadily increasing tension with Baghdad by sending troops to seize oil fields near Kirkuk before Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki could take the extraordinary step of destroying some of his own countrys oil installations. Read all: MESOP : DELEGATE YOUR BUSINESS IN THE HANDS OF YOUR TRUSTED DOCTOR Talabani family support Najmadin Karim for Iraqi Presidency post 13.07.2014 - BasNews, Suliaymania - On Sunday the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) will hold a meeting to make a final decision regarding the nomination of Iraq presidency post. The PUK leadership has become divided in tow different camps, which sees PUK Deputy Secretary General Barham Salih up against Kirkuk Governor & PUK Politic Bureau Member Najmadin Karim. The Head of PUK Foreign Relation Department & Sister of Jalal Talabani’s wife, Shanaz Ibrahim stated that they will not give the Iraqi Presidency post to someone that has turned his back to the PUK at times of crisis; allegedly referring to Barham Salih. Read all: MESOP FLASH : Kirkuk oil causes further escalation of Baghdad-Erbil rifts / NECMETIN KERIM CONTRA ERBIL July 13, 2014 - ARA News - Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan – Taha Zangana, the Deputy Minister of Natural Resources in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, told local media on Saturday that the Iraqi Central government was intending to target the oil fields in Kirkuk.“Therefore we decided to protect it (Kirkuk) by efforts of our Peshmerga forces,” Zangana said. Read all: MESOP REPORT : Why Kurdistan Still Doesn’t Have its Oil Money By Alexander Whitcomb – RUDAW - 13-7-2014 - ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - A delegation of Kurdish ministers is in Turkey to sign new oil export agreements. But its members also have a much bigger task: they must make sure the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) can ultimately be paid for its oil sales. Read all: MESOP : HIGH LEVEL SMALL TALK WITH JOHN K. High-level delegation discusses with Washington crisis sweeping Iraq and future options for Kurdistan THE KURDISH GLOBE – 14-7-2014 - A high level delegation this week met United States government officials, including the Vice President and Secretary of State, as well as foreign policy experts, think tanks, business leaders, non-governmental organizations, and the media to discuss the crisis sweeping Iraq. Read all: MESOP OPINION : The Declaration of Independence of the Kurdish State Khasro Pirbal — – 14-7-2014 - The recent developments in Iraq and the uprising of the Sunnis and the dissatisfaction of the Arab tribes regarding the unjust policies of Malikis government in Bagdad which is characterized by unilateralism, tyranny and marginalization of Iraqi components made the Iraqi army to feel hopeless to continue fighting and defending parts of the country. Read all: “PAY DAY”: MONEY FOR THE KURDS – KURDISH VOTES FOR ERDOGAN’S ELECTION Kurdish President Barzani visits Turkey 14.07.2014 - Bestun Kakayi - BasNews, Erbil - Kurdish President Massoud Barzani will visit Turkey on Monday and meet with senior Turkish officials. In his first visit to Turkey since last November’s visit to Diyarbakir, Barzani is expected to meet Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Turkish President Abdullah Gül and other senior official from Ankara.Kurdish Minister for Finance and Economy Rebaz Mohammad said the visit will serve to open a bank account for Kurdish oil sales, which will allow for the revenues to be transferred to the Kurdistan Region. Read all: MESOP : Berlin’s Kurdish community supports independence of Iraqi Kurdistan July 14, 2014 – Watch pictures & report: NORTH KURDISTAN (TURKEY) MESOP : DEMIRTAS CORRECTED CEMIL BAYIK - HDP’s presidential hopeful Demirtaş rules out armed struggle ISTANBUL – Hurriyet – 14-7-2012 - Those who think PKK will abandon arms without democracy are ‘dreamers,’ says senior member Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) co-leader and presidential hopeful Selahattin Demirtaş has dismissed armed struggle as an option, vowing to continue exerting efforts to reach permanent peace in the country. Read all: MESOP : INTERNAL TROUBLE AHEAD ? PUK blames KDP for controlling Kirkuk oil fields 14-7-2014 – Kurdpress - A member of Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) blamed rival Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) for controlling oilfields in Iraqi Northern Province of Kirkuk.Read all: MESOP : Kurdistan Region will be self-sufficient at the end of 2014: Ashti Hawrami 14-7-2014 - Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Minister of Natural Resources Ahsti Hawrami said the autonomous region will be self-sufficient by the end of this year, CBS reported. Read all: MESOP WEST KURDISTAN (SYRIA) Syria Daily: Jabhat al-Nusra Denies It Declared “Islamic Emirate” (CONTRA PKK) By Scott Lucas July 13, 2014 07:17 Updated – LATEST: Jabhat al-Nusra Denies It Joined New Insurgent Force in Aleppo - The Islamist faction Jabhat al-Nusra has denied that its leader, Abu Mohammad al-Joulani, declared an Islamic Emirate in a speech to fighters last week.On Friday, an audio claiming to be of Joulani’s statement, enthusiastically cheered by his men, circulated on social media. Read all: MESOP : PYD CONTROLS WHOLE ECONOMY How ISIL’s control on Mosul affects Syria Kurds July 14, 2014 - ARA News - Qamishli, Syria – Lack of gas tubes causes hard living conditions to thousands of families in the Syrian northeastern city of Qamishli. Large portion of Qamishli’s need of gas used to be provided by the nearby Iraqi city of Mosul through Tel Kocher border crossing. Read all: MESOP THE GERMAN KURDISH CHAPTER DER MOB IST LOS (I) Neben Anhängern der Studierenden-Organisation „Die Linke – SDS“ hatten sich auch Islamisten und einige Kader der Neonazi-Gruppe „Nationale Sozialisten Rhein-Main“ unter die Teilnehmer gemischt. A propos Querfront... DER MOB IST LOS (II) “Packt die Antisemitismuskeule wieder ein und packt sie nie mehr aus”, brüllte Jürgen Todenhöfer schon im Mai 2014 in Richtung Israel, während die Hamas den Antisemitismus auspackt. Artikel 7 der Gründungscharta der Hamas fordert die Vernichtung aller Juden, ich betone, nicht die Vernichtung Israels, was schon schlimm genug wäre, sondern die Vernichtung aller Juden! DER MOB IST LOS (III) Antijüdische Hetze in der Türkei - Von FRANK NORDHAUSEN Yildiz Tilbe feiert Hitler auf Twitter und erntet nicht nur Empörung. FR – 13-7-2014 - Die bekannte Popsängerin Yildiz Tilbe verbreitet Hassbotschaften gegen Israel wegen der Angriffe auf Gaza . Yildiz Tilbe ist eine bekannte türkische Schlagersängerin, die bisher nicht mit politischen Statements auffiel. Doch am Freitag reagierte die Pop-Diva mit einem Lob Adolf Hitlers und einer Reihe extrem antisemitischer Twitter-Kommentare auf Israels Militäroffensive im Gaza-Streifen – und rief damit einen Sturm der Empörung in den sozialen Medien der Türkei hervor. Ihre Twitter-Salve begann Yildiz Tilbe mit dem blasphemischen Wunsch: „So Gott will, werden es wieder Muslime sein, die das Ende dieser Juden herbeiführen, es ist nahe.“ Es folgte die Schmähung: „Die Juden sind gegen Allah und alle Propheten, eingeschlossen ihr eigener Prophet Moses.“ Schließlich schien sie Hitler für die Vernichtung der Juden im Holocaust zu preisen: „Möge Gott Hitler segnen, er tat sogar weniger als nötig gewesen wäre.“,1472596,27799702.html MESOP : DER MOB IST LOS (IV) Arabische Demonstranten in Berlin skandierten heute : keiber, keiber al Jahud - schlachtet, schlachtet alle Jude. Ein Aufruf zur Ermordung aller Juden, die Polizeikräfte schreitet nicht ein. Deutsche Linke gegen Israel. Mal wieder. Daß große Teile der deutschen Linken ein Problem mit Israel haben, ist nichts Neues. Gegenwärtig wird die enorme Abneigung gegen den jüdischen Staat einmal mehr offen ausgelebt. Von Jan-Niklas Kniewel – Was gegenwärtig in Teilen der deutschen Linken vor sich geht, lässt sich nicht als ‘Israelkritik’ maskieren. In zahlreichen deutschen Städten finden derzeit israelfeindliche Demonstrationen und Kundgebungen statt. Zu vielen davon rufen – dem Selbstverständnis zufolge – linke Gruppen und Einzelpersonen auf, darunter auch Bundestagsabgeordnete und ein Landesvorsitzender der Linkspartei sowie lokale Zweigstellen ihres Jugendverbandes. - MESOP : BESONDERS GUTMENSCHEN MÜSSEN NAHTLOS ÜBERWACHT WERDEN Agenturenmeldungen vom Tage 13 Juli 2014 : Deutsche Bank + Commerzank verurteilt zu Millionen-Strafen. Allein die Commerzbank muß Rücklage von 900 Millionen USD reservieren. - Grund: Illegale Geschäfte mit Nordkorea, Süd Sudan + Iran. .. von daher ist der als Reaktion auf das zu erwartende Urteil losgetretene hype wegen belangloser Informanten beim BND nur zu verständlich. Bleibt nur noch zu sagen, daß man Leute, die Kim Yong il am Leben halten auch unbedingt überwachen muß: pausenlos und grenzenlos! GUY DEBORD Ziel: Judenmord / von Thomas von der Osten-Sacken Längst ist der sog. Antizionismus in Europa ganz zu sich gekommen und geworden, was er immer war: Antisemitismus, dem es ums Judenmorden geht. Heute in Paris: An anti-Israel demonstration at the city’s Bastille Square quickly turned violent with protesters seeking out and attacking Jewish targets and screaming “death to the Jews” and “Hitler was right” according to community newspaper, JSS News. Signs in support of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood were on display as well as a replica of a Palestinian rocket similar to those launched from Gaza at Israel in recent weeks, according to the report. - Hundreds of Parisian Jews were trapped in a synagogue while rioters threw stones and bricks. The group was initially thought to be held hostage and was freed to leave the center only after police intervention at 9 pm. A Jewish owned store on rue de la Roquette was trashed by 50 men with iron bars and a young man was hospitalized nearby, according to reports. (…). In the meantime a community source told The Algemeiner that France’s Jews are staying indoors for fear of their lives. jungle-world/jungleblog/2846/ MESOP : ZIVILE PRINZIPIEN & HAMAS Die Einwohner Gazas sind dankbares Kapital, das in Form von menschlichen Schutzschildern eingesetzt wird, um mediale und politische Rendite zu erzielen. Jede Kassam-Rakete, jeder israelische Gegenangriff und jeder tote Palästinenser ergibt somit ein Plus auf dem Konto der Hamas. Schutzbunker in Gaza, deren Fehlen von manchem Europäer gerne mal beklagt wird, würden diese Rechnung natürlich torpedieren. Darum existieren sie auch nicht. Die Hamas weiß zudem ganz genau, dass Israel anders, nämlich zivilisiert, rechnet - und nutzt diesen Vorteil freilich schamlos aus. Dagegen ehrt es die IDF zweifellos, dass sie wie kaum eine andere Armee die Bevölkerung vor Angriffen warnen. Im Gegensatz zur Hamas werden sie dennoch immer verlieren, solange in Gaza ein Einmaleins besteht, das zivile Opfer aus Prinzip auf der Haben-Seite bilanziert. (Jennifer Nathalie Pyka) achgut/dadgdx/index.php/dadgd/article/eins_zu_null_fuer_die_hamas
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 09:12:47 +0000

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