Miata Kargbo is ‘Ebola Killer & Murderer of APC’ The Minister - TopicsExpress


Miata Kargbo is ‘Ebola Killer & Murderer of APC’ The Minister of Health and Sanitation, Miatta Kargbo, has been grossly negligent in her duties leading to the death of 32 nurses, 2 medical doctors, and over 600 deaths (official health ministry Ebola figures those killed by the Ebola virus; and more reliable figures from John Benjamin who lives in Kailahun, and is paying for the feeding of Ebola patients in Kenema) of the citizenry from the Ebola virus; worse, she is continually at war with herself, at war with her deputy ministers in her ministry, at war with nearly all the directors in her ministry, at war with State House presidential advisers who she treat with contempt and hostility, at war with the press that she treats with scorn; if she has any conscience, or, shame, she should by now have resigned; or, if the President has been living up to his responsibility as Commander in Chief, he should have long since sacked her since the Ebola Outbreak in Sierra Leone about three months ago. Reliable information reaching this press is that Miatta Kargbo tries to shout at, or, shout down, her deputy ministers and directors. These health ministry political and administrative senior staffers are all highly educated and experienced citizens who have resisted her bully tactics; and, in recent times, the relationship between them and the health minister have deteriorated to the point of shouting matches, intense arguments, between deputy ministers and Minister Kargbo in the presence of American, British, French Ebola and medical experts that have come to help the country. It has been learned that Miatta Kargbo is so arrogant that even very senior advisers to the President would not be spared, as she would not respond to their attempts to call her; or, when they try to meet her, she would try to humiliate them. Miatta Kargbo is like a general during war time who cannot command the respect, and cooperation, of all his brigadiers, colonels, captains. The Ebola Outbreak was two months in Guinea and Liberia before it reached Sierra Leone; and, during that breathing space Miatta Kargbo had, she should have ensured that nurses have protective clothing to prevent them getting the fatal Ebola virus, but, because she is out of her element as health minister, and she is too arrogant to work closely with the health experts in her ministry, she was unable to do what is necessary to prevent the death of about 32 nurses, and 2 medical doctors. Miatta Kargbo is reported to had insulted journalists of the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ), calling them all sort of names; her putdown words annoyed especially the younger journalists who said they would never get involved with anything to do with her ministry; and only the diplomacy of SLAJ President, Kelvin Lewis, got them to change their minds, plus the direct intervention of the President that helped to soft SLAJ to get them to join the campaign against the Ebola virus. Miata Kargbo is like a war general who would turn her guns against the rank and file in an army. Though there is an Ebola Operational Command center, with Miatta Kargbo as health minister and the field commander, there is clearly no command and control, and complete chaos, and uncoordinated approach to the Ebola campaign, with Miatta Kargbo trying to micromanage nearly everything, being rude to those who try to resist her. Many local journalists and writers have called for her to be sacked, or for her to resign; and almost on a daily basis, highly qualified and knowledgeable Sierra Leoneans in the United States especially are denouncing Miata Kargbo’s incompetence in handling the Ebola campaign. What is the big question is why has President Ernest Bai Koroma allowed Miatta Kargbo to serve as health minister when she has been so clearly incompetent, and, has shown complete lack of leadership in handling her ministry; and, in the Ebola crisis which has attracted global attention, Miatta Kargbo is clearly disgracing the President, and the country? Another question is why has the APC national executives been silent while the ineptness of Miatta Kargbo is clearly worsening the popularity of the APC in districts like Kenema, and Kailahun, where the APC got an unprecedented 26% of votes cast in 2012. As the result of Miatta Kargbo’s incompetence in the Ebola campaign it now causing growing economic hardship for the people, rising prices of basic commodities, as well as worsened image of the country internationally, the question is why should the President and the APC continue to stand by the beautiful but arrogant lady (who probably has US citizenship or US green card) that is indirectly murdering people with the Ebola, and, destroying the chances of the APC from credibly contesting the 2017 elections.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 22:29:45 +0000

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