Michael Aydinian - There is one huge difference - the Nazis - TopicsExpress


Michael Aydinian - There is one huge difference - the Nazis were universally reviled, whereas the crimes of Israel & particularly certain dual National Zionists in the US not only remain unpunished but continue to slip under the radar. Remember how Germany was treated after WW I? Up until then Jews had consistently enjoyed happy, prosperous lives there but largely thanks to the Rothschild banking dynasty, the Allies rejected what were perfectly decent proposals to cease hostilities in what was a truly horrific war. This should have effectively ended WW I in 1916! Instead the carnage continued for two more years! Why? Because the Rothschilds ensured the UK, America would enter the war so long as the British promised Palestine to the Jews! Quite what gave Britain the right to donate another countrys land to someone else is indeed a moot point. The UK agreed. One should bear in mind 100 years ago the US had no quarrel with Germany. In fact, though history books more often that not omit this crucial detail, back then the UK was very much considered the enemy, not Germany! Moreover 90% of Americans were opposed to entering the war, let alone on the side of the Allies! In order to counteract this, Rothschild instructed the mass-media to conduct a propaganda campaign which unfairly portrayed the Germans as the Evil Hun! For a year the US public was bombarded with blatant lies. Slowly but surely public opinion swayed & in 1917 the US entered the war on the side of the Allies. Thanks to Zionist Rothschild, millions more died in the terrible carnage of trench warfare. Germany though was about to get stabbed in the back again. Another little-known fact is some 300 Zionists were involved in drawing up the Treaty of Versailles. I mean this in itself shows the power of these guys back then! In the treaty Article 231, which later became known as the War Guilt clause, not only forced Germany to disarm & make substantial territorial concessions but also they had to pay reparations to the countries that had formed the Entente powers. In 1921 the total cost of these reparations was assessed at 132 billion Marks (then $31.4 billion or £6.6 billion!) Back then this was a staggering sum! The Germans had been well & truly conned. When WW I ended, German armies remained on foreign soil. Its borders had never been under threat! Had they known the size of the reparations bill though, the chances are theyd have continued fighting! At least that way they had a chance to win! Peace for them had merely become a trip from the frying pan into the fire! For the next 15 years the German people suffered horribly. Unemployment sky-rocketed; hyper-inflation rendered their currency worthless; Germany was broke! Many simply starved! They rightly felt the Jews had double-crossed them & they had no idea why! Significantly the ensuing climate made a situation rife for a lunatic to seize control! It was inevitable. WW II was essentially a product born from the dreadful mistakes made after WW I. Goodness knows how many Native Americans were wiped out; 1.5 million Armenians were massacred in 1915; 30 million Russians were murdered in 1917 by Zionists; millions of Poles & Czechs were murdered in WW II; 20 million Russians died fighting Hitler; 8 million Germans died in WW II. Add to this 4 million Vietnamese, the genocide in Cambodia, the massacres in Rwanda, 1.5 million Iraqis? There are several other examples of human butchery that positively riddle our history, yet to this very day the public is constantly reminded of only one - the Holocaust! In short the Zionists used the Holocaust by assuming the role of the ultimate victim. Forget all other mass-murders; this is the big one! Such is their deviousness, many had reason to believe the Holocaust was one big lie! Im not of that opinion but boy, 6 million sure was a gross exaggeration! Yet even though that figure has been officially revised to under 2 million, confirming the Zionists had lied, such is their power & influence, Holocaust deniers have actually been jailed for expressing such an opinion! What a world we live in - bankers steal billions - not one is jailed; yet stiff sentences are dished out for a mere thought! While hardly a day goes by without a reference to the Holocaust & 70 years later the TV continues to tell people what bastards the Nazis were, all these outlets as well as the history books do a piss-poor job of mentioning exactly why the Germans had every right to be pissed off with the Zionists. How many people in the world realize this was pay-back? Very few! Only idiots refuse to accept what the Nazis did to the Jews, the Jews are now doing to the Palestinians! As I have just explained the German people had every reason to feel Jews had betrayed them. Yet the truth is Rothschild & a group of wealthy Jewish industrialists (very few from Germany) were the ones really responsible, not only betraying Germans but all the Jews in Europe who consequently suffered. Incidentally, do people ever stop & think how Hitler managed to resurrect the down & out Germany of 1933 into an incredible militarized power-house IN JUST 5 YEARS? They were skint! All of sudden Adolf sticks a swastika on his jock-strap & hes all set to knock 10 tons of shit out of anyone who so much as looks at him boss-eyed! Not only that, how come no one said anything about the Krauts suddenly tooling themselves up all over the place? The answer to this conundrum is a guarded secret. In many ways it reveals the true agenda of a banking dynasty, one that consolidates its stranglehold through attrition! Back one side - they win but they are in your debt! Then back the other side - theyre now in hock! Prolonging wars serves to weaken all-comers by driving debt up! Here is the Zio-Rothschild policy of DIVIDE & CONQUER! So the Rothschilds who were instrumental in destroying Germany before WW II, were now inexplicably bank-rolling Hitler! Of course all this remains hidden from public gaze because the Rothschilds own or control the entire mainstream media! Other wealthy Jews were very much part of this as was Prescott Sheldon Bush. His family too bank-rolled the Nazis yet this astonishing fact did little to hinder his son & his grandson from both becoming Presidents of the US of A! By the way Prescott Sheldon Bush was a banker. These lunatics like two things - power & war! If one digs deep enough, one will soon understand behind almost every conflict are bankers! The final stunning truth thats never mentioned - I defy anyone to name me any vindictive act the Palestinian people ever inflicted upon Jews! Yet for almost 70 years weve witnessed the systematic annihilation of their country. To say the Israelis have been brutal is an understatement. What I find so distasteful is their deep-rooted hatred to the Palestinians. Many make it abundantly clear THEY WANT TO WIPE THEM OUT! Even though the German people had every reason to be furious with the Jews every human has the right to life. To deny anyone due process is criminal, period! Palestinians never caused any trouble to anyone! The Israelis have no reason & in my eyes this makes their crime all the more evil! Photo Timeline Photos There is one huge difference - the Nazis were universally reviled, whereas the c...See more
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 19:26:45 +0000

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