Michael Aydinian Not that he doesnt deserve to be hung, drawn & - TopicsExpress


Michael Aydinian Not that he doesnt deserve to be hung, drawn & quartered but when are people going to stop blaming Obama? Only the dumbest of the dumb are not aware hes merely a puppet. Yet even on RT news, whenever anyones asked how we could have ended up in such a mess regarding what seemingly is an ever-increasing number of issues, almost to a fault, they refer to Obamas policies as the culprit! WHAT POLICIES? He doesnt have any! Obama stopped saying what he thought the day he became President. It was as if he was told right, sonny. You dont need to think anymore. Well do that! All you are now is a glorified messenger boy! Crude as it may seem, this is exactly what happened, yet I hear the same thing all the time - Obamas policies have been disastrous! I simply cannot understand how people have such poor memories. The proof is in the pudding - what Obama said before & after, was so far removed, one would be excused in thinking he must be the biggest Schitzo on the planet! To say this is frustrating is an understatement because most clued up folk remain in no doubt as to who controls the White House & Capitol Hill. Since even before 9/11 it has been patently obvious, dual nationality US/Israel Zionists decide what policies America pursues. Until people get this into their heads, the nightmare will persist. Stop blaming the President & start naming & shaming the Zionists, for when it comes to foreign policy, they are 100% responsible. Yet once again, I shouldnt be having to say this - all the evidence stares us squarely in the face - everything America does, only one country gains - ISRAEL! I leave you with this - During an argument between the Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon & Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, Peres said that Israels policy of continued violence might turn the US against us To this Sharon retorted: EVERY TIME WE DO SOMETHING, YOU TELL ME AMERICANS WILL DO THIS AND WILL DO THAT. I WANT TO TELL YOU SOMETHING VERY CLEAR: DONT WORRY ABOUT AMERICAN PRESSURE ON ISRAEL; WE, THE JEWISH PEOPLE, CONTROL AMERICA. AND THE AMERICANS KNOW IT. - Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon October 3, 2001
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 10:32:53 +0000

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