Michael Aydinian Once again Israel sticks two fingers up to all - TopicsExpress


Michael Aydinian Once again Israel sticks two fingers up to all of us & yet its a cast-iron certainty this outrageous violation of international law, an act of war no less, will be ignored! How can politicians in the West & the mainstream media have the temerity? They fall over themselves in a frenzied stampede, plonking their moral high-hats on whenever someone refuses to lick their putrefying butts, yet time & again, when Israel commits acts worthy of worldwide condemnation, far worse that any of the countries they bleat about, these vermin say nothing! In fact, I lie! Not only do they have the gall to treat this vile act as business as usual, THEY THEN COVER ISRAELS BACK BY LYING THROUGH THEIR BACK TEETH! Why arent the Russians & Chinese doing anything? They know they have the support of the vast majority of the people in the world! Israel simply cannot be allowed to do what they want all the time! Sabre-rattling with these lunatic Israelis is highly precarious to say the least but the cost of inaction is incalculable! When the US & UK had no option but to back off on Syria, naturally I was pleased but I went on to say nothing had changed. People like Netanyahu & his mad Zionists dont give a shit about what anyone thinks! Once they make their minds up, thats it! Come what may, they will see it through & to hell with the consequences! They want Assad out because their aim is to get their greedy mitts on enormous oil & gas fields that have recently been discovered in Syria. They also want to do to Iran what they engineered the West to do to Iraq & Libya - flatten the country, create anarchy, so that they can cordon off all the regions that matter & so plunder their natural resources with the minimum of fuss! Of course while their doing this Israel & its mouthpiece, the media will claim theyre merely trying to establish democracy & of course not to forget the usual Israeli bullshit - WE ARE ONLY DEFENDING OURSELVES! Theres only one thing you wont hear - the truth! Ill say it one more time - if no one stops the Zionists, they will not stop!
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 00:59:26 +0000

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