Michael Aydinian The current state of affairs in the US has - TopicsExpress


Michael Aydinian The current state of affairs in the US has deteriorated to such an extent, however deplorable a story may be, one is neither shocked or surprised. Truth is, if the goal of US politicians was to line their pockets with as much money as possible, then I can say without fear of contradiction, theyve excelled themselves! It seems, for the world, nothing got past them. Small wonder, anyone whos safe in the knowledge they will not be charged, let alone prosecuted is bound to fill their boots. Each & every opportunity to embezzle the maximum amount of cash was seized with relish. The wretched specimen in question here is Michael Bloomberg. This so-in-so is so greedy its a cast-iron certainty the night he croaks hell be having the nightmare of his life thinking about all that money hes leaving behind! Apparently he was in charge of funds that had been earmarked for families of 9/11 victims. Lo & behold this vermin was siphoning off chunks & giving to organisations that campaigned for gun control & hate crime legislation. Nothing to do with 9/11 & everything to do with making it a criminal offense to criticize the most racist, vicious, deceitful people on the planet. And of course, if by now you havent cottoned on as to why dual national Zionists are bursting blood vessels so that US citizens give up their guns, then what can I say except take a good look at the first caption. Theres just a chance the penny will drop. Take it from me, these people never take no for an answer. They wont stop. Step by step they will try & disarm you. It is imperative you dont give so much as a spent cartridge back. Course they want the heavy duty gear. Dont fall for that crap! They want to get those out the way because they can do the most damage. Give them the machine guns before you know it, the powerful hand guns will be next & so on. What Im certain of (& bear in mind I hate guns & violence) the 2nd caption is the game changer! Homeland securities eh? Let me tell you now - the Dept of Homeland Securities HAS BUGGER ALL TO DO WITH SECURITY. Its chief purpose is to ensure the dual national Zionists & Israel remain in control of America. In fact the greatest terrorists that have ever existed CONTROL THE NSA! When the shit hits the fan & it will, you wont want to discover what its like being a Palestinian! Dont whatever you do surrender your last line of defense!
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 21:33:21 +0000

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