Michael Aydinian via The GMM uk - Michael Aydinian DAVID - TopicsExpress


Michael Aydinian via The GMM uk - Michael Aydinian DAVID CAMERON TOLD THE U.N. THAT NON-VIOLENT EXTREMISM IS JUST AS DANGEROUS AS TERRORISM& MUST BE ERADICATED USING ALL MEANS AT THE GOVERNMENTS DISPOSAL. THIS TRAITOR REFERENCES 9/11 & 7/7 TRUTHERS AS EXAMPLES OF THE TYPE OF EXTREMISM THAT MUST BE DEALT IN A SIMILAR FASHION TO ISIS. Having a war-mongering liar as PM is bad enough BUT TO SAY THIS? YET HE NEVER SAYS A WORD ABOUT NETANYAHUS MASS-MURDER OF WOMEN & CHILDREN & THE BRUTAL APARTHEID REGIME OF ISRAEL; HE LIES SO MUCH HE MAKES TONY BLAIR LOOK HONEST........ So with such an appalling track record youd think hed go easy on us. He surely wouldnt want to antagonize us? Well, hes only gone & declared war on us! --------------------- Every day I sift through the stuff Im sent & all the tags etc. In times like these one hardly expects great news - our leaders are liars, war-mongers, fraudsters & above all traitors. One tends to be surprised only when theres some genuinely good news. Yet when Diana Roach Rojek alerted me to a particular link well over an hour ago, its taken me this long just to gather my thoughts & settle myself because this is just unbelievable. I was so mad, I still am. I dont think Netanyahu has ever made me feel like this. Now those of you whove been following me know from the very beginning I said Cameron was as good as an Israeli agent. Many times I explained how the Zionists controlled media inexplicably threw their weight behind the rank outsider of 5 in the race for the Tory leadership. I smelt a rat straight away & to be honest, I couldnt understand why no one seemed to care. For me the situation couldnt be more serious, you know, like these vermin always say to cover up their treachery - THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY! They use that regular as clockwork! Now, here was a genuine threat to the people of the UK & nobody gave a shit! Is it so hard to ask yourself one obvious question? Since Cameron had no CV, HOW CAN THE ENTIRE MASS-MEDIA BE SAYING HES THE BEST THING SINCE SLICED BREAD? HOW DO THEY KNOW HES ANY GOOD? Once this penny drops one is obliged to ask another question - WHO OWNS THE MEDIA - ZIONISTS! BINGO! That was hard! And to think the very last thing the people of this country ever wanted or needed was another Tony Blair - a non-achiever who never held a ministerial position, becoming Prime Minister. Thats exactly what we got! Well, maybe not! This guy actually worse. NOW HES PROVED IT! FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS SACROSANCT. FORGET ABOUT RIGHT OR WRONG - TARGETING THOSE WHO DISAGREE WITH YOU IS ON A PAR WITH STALIN & HITLER. WERE AS DANGEROUS AS ISIS YOU PIECE OF SHIT CAMERON? WHY DID THE US, UK & ISRAEL CREATE ISIS IN THE FIRST PLACE. WE HAVE GOT TO DO SOMETHING HERE. WE CANNOT LET THIS GO! HE OVER-STEPPED HIS MARK LONG AGO BUT THIS IS AN OUTRAGE OF SUCH MAGNITUDE, I CAN SAFELY SAY, NO PM HAS EVER COMMITTED SUCH A DIABOLICAL ACT OF TREACHERY! RESIGNING IS NOT ENOUGH. THIS MAN HAS TO BROUGHT TO ACCOUNT!
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 05:08:21 +0000

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