Michael Brown was another victim of unecessary violence. The - TopicsExpress


Michael Brown was another victim of unecessary violence. The police are who we look towards for safety and protection. What do we do when the very people who are supposed to protect us resort to violence against the people who depend on them? Police and state violence is widespread and an often clandestine societal plague, which spreads and thrives on silence. Silence is most commonly thriving in poor and working class minority communities. Instead of attacking our own community by destroying minority business we should be making a stand against violence and demanding justice for Mike Brown. We demand punishment for the police officer responsible for the life that has been taken. We demad peace of mind for the family that has been affected by this act of violence. We demand peace of mind for the families that have lost loved ones at the hands of police officers using excessive force. They are given this power in order to protect and serve our community. They are not given this power to use it against the community. We demand changes in the law enforcement practices that are used in the handling of situations that occur. The police department should be the people that we look towards for savior but instead they instill fear and hatred and violate our human rights. We must be proactive and be the change we wish to see. We have the tools and knowledge to maintain the very class system so many of us are an enemy of. This is made so brutally clear by the guns, tasers, and gas that is used against us by those who enforce and maintain this class structure – the police. We need to take responsibility for our own liberation. We need to stop relying on our victimizers for help. No matter the type of violence, ignorance breeds violence. By demolishing our own community we are doing the same exact thing that is being done to us. They are taking us out one by one and destroying our community. We must band together to put a stop to crime in the community, be it black-on-black crime or white-on-black crime etc. The way our protection agencies handle us should be abolished, but our social relations must be the revolution. We must stand together and demand change. We must stand together and change how society views us. We must be the change that we are demanding to see. United we stand, Divided we fall. We must stand together people and demand change non-violently. While the state reflects violence in its policing and prisons we must show our values through resistance and movements. There is an epidemic of police brutality and state-sanctioned violence. We The People have to make a stand and demand for a change to be made. We are losing our loved ones at an alarming rate due to injustice and violence. Our time is now, we have the entire world watching us and listening. We need to use this as a time to voice what we as a people rightfully deserve, to be treated as human beings. We must begin to help each other heal. We must prevent such a tradegy from occuring again. Let us band together to ensure justice for Michael Brown and his family. ~Sanina
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 21:23:28 +0000

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