Michael: Cancer is one of those funny, prankster guys. Not like - TopicsExpress


Michael: Cancer is one of those funny, prankster guys. Not like Jerry Seinfeld funny, but like the guy that leaves the flaming bag of poop on your doorstep and rings the doorbell and runs....the kind of funny guy you want to punch in the face. He is always pulling crap at inconvenient times and stealing precious moments of family time. Since getting the devastating news confirming that chemo is not working on Wednesday, we pressed forward with a busy weekend that had already been scheduled. Life moves on...despite how bad the news. We had Halloween Friday evening, Brian McCann Celebrity Softball Tournament on Saturday, and Grants 3rd Birthday celebration on Sunday. As if this was not enough, we decided last minute, on Friday actually, that we were going to drive after Grants birthday party to Orlando, FL and take the kids on a surprise trip to Disney. The doctors said Grants blood counts are good enough that if we were going to do something it had to be this week before we start our next phase of treatment. We already had to cancel numerous vacations we had planned this year so we jumped at the opportunity. Now where does the cancer is a funny prankster guy come in to play? Well, we had a great night with family trick or treating on Halloween, but Grant threw up that evening when we got home. We tossed it up to him eating too much junk that evening. However, the next morning he was not acting himself and did not want to eat, so we tried to give him Zofran for nausea but he immediately threw that up. Other than that he was acting OK, so we proceeded onto the Rally Foundation for Childhood Cancer Research Brian McCann Celebrity Softball Tournament. It was a great event and many current and former MLB players were there along with local personalities. The Rally Foundation went out of there way to make it special for current and former childhood cancer families and we were able to meet many families that we follow and correspond with on Facebook. Towards the end of the event, Grant was noticeably uncomfortable and we realized he was running a fever. Our heart sank as we knew that fever meant being admitted to the hospital....which meant we had to cancel Grants birthday party and our trip to Disney. June was in tears and I was mad.....mad that prankster cancer was going to steal our precious family time...time that we are not sure how much we have if the next treatment doesnt buy us some more. We got to the E.R. and went through the normal tests. His fever went down and some tests came back negative. I told June I didnt care what they said, we were leaving...we were going to at least have our sons birthday party. I left the room to get something from the car, and when I got back June told me that she and Grant prayed while I was gone begging God to make it so Grant could go home and we could save our plans from being cancelled. She said immediately after, the Dr. came in the room and told her if Grant could drink some juice and keep it down, we could LEAVE! God is so good. He constantly reminds us to keep the faith and that all things are possible with Him. Call it what you want, but he had never gone to the E.R. with a fever and been able to leave. The party Sunday was amazing with family and friends. One I think we will always remember. To top it off, we invited Pray For Grant Terrell and his family made the hour plus drive. It was so nice to visit with them and their adorable family. We both received devastating news last week and there is something comforting about being able to share your fears and struggles with another family going through the same battle. We really love and appreciate them. We left our house for Disney at 11 p.m. and drove halfway to Valdosta and got to the hotel at 3 a.m. Yes, I said 3 a.m. As in I could not have drove another mile without killing us 3 a.m. We told the kids we were going to the beach and they bought it the whole time until we got to the sign to turn into Disney. The girls were very excited, but then scolded us for lying to them and proceeded to give us a talking to about how lying is bad. James, our 5 year old, started crying because apparently he really wanted to go to the beach. He got over it once we got into the park. We have had a great time and Grant has been in a great mood. Its so nice to do something normal for a change and have everyone be in a good mood. So, Gossling family 1, prankster cancer guy, ZERO as far as the last week has gone. He scared us with having to cancel all of our fun, but God came through and gave us just what we needed, some great quality time. Thank you for the continued prayers and moral support. We have a doctor consult on Friday and start MIBG therapy on Monday. Its back to business on Friday, back to saving Grants life. One step at a time, one prayer at a time. #GraceForGrant Will post pics from Rally event and Disney in a minute.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 01:33:10 +0000

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