Michael Curtis According to National Cancer Institute doctors and - TopicsExpress


Michael Curtis According to National Cancer Institute doctors and the American Medical Association (AMA) were against prohibition at the beginning. In 1937, the U.S. Treasury Department introduced the Marihuana Tax Act. This Act imposed a levy of $1 per ounce for medicinal use of Cannabis and $100 per ounce for recreational use. Physicians in the United States were the principal opponents of the Act. The American Medical Association (AMA) opposed the Act because physicians were required to pay a special tax for prescribing Cannabis, use special order forms to procure it, and keep special records concerning its professional use. In addition, the AMA believed that objective evidence that Cannabis was harmful was lacking and that passage of the Act would impede further research into its medicinal worth. cancer.gov/.../cannabis/healthprofessional/page3 Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ®) Expert-reviewed information summary about the use of Cannabis and cannabinoids in the treatment of... CANCER.GOV
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 00:55:00 +0000

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