Michael Elsero Friend Or Foe · 70 like this. 57 minutes ago · - TopicsExpress


Michael Elsero Friend Or Foe · 70 like this. 57 minutes ago · .. This was written on a blog by TIME PASSER I cannot take the credit for this well written piece. Looking on the bright side... I suspect that what we are observing in Australia at present are the vigorous Death Throes of greed, capitalism, conservatism, denial-ism, destruction-ism etc. The final stages before the excesses of greed and selfishness in these systems causes them to implode and cease. There is a flexing of muscle, and a desperate final grab for control and supremacy in order to squeeze out the final drops of profit from the Nation and its resources before an apathetic population wakes up to the fact that it is being swindled and turns the tables on the exploiters OR.... the climate itself imposes control. Havent we just seen the most destructive, abusive, deceitful six year campaign by the conservatives to reinstate themselves into a position of power? Arent we also seeing desperate, ferocious, determined frenzy in the first days and weeks of coalition in government? Shutting down, gagging, sacking, tightening, hardening.... any method to revoke fair social projects, to silence impartial advisers and quash any flow of information which might warn a population of its impending fate. Not signs of rational, restrained behaviour but..... The drag of destiny will destroy the reins of reason. Asylum seekers, bikies, unemployed... receive unwarranted attention and retribution, not because they represent a threat in themselves but because their plight is symbolically useful as a warning to others to expect hard handed treatment if you stand in the way of our game plan. Its a show of force and power; a warning that we are unstoppable, in much the same way as goose stepping soldiers strut their stuff and are paraded; not to intimidate any external enemy but to threaten the civilian population into submission. Heady with power on the home front, respect for Foreign Powers is paid lip service only. Impartiality of the Speaker in Parliament has gone and recent marriages between the coalition, Defence and Police Forces (along with suspected abuse of the court system) are all clear and sinister signs that the Separation of Powers is no longer respected by the coalition as fundamental to our democracy because such doctrines impede progression of their plan. We are witnessing signs of a group desperate to retain power at any cost. Ever more brazen to impose their rule on the country which they know will not be fair or welcomed by the general population and so it must be done swiftly and with stealth. Knowing (but not yet consciously) that time is running out...... that this was their last chance to take the reins by deceit and misrepresentation; that now is the last opportunity to change any rule or ignore any social standard to perpetuate the hold on power..... they must frantically, feverishly, urgently implement a shrewdly plotted agenda. Never again will they have the serendipitous combination of hung parliament, minority government, complicit media and slumbering voters which permitted the installation of this totally undeserving group of politicians to govern Australia. Their position is unsustainable and their objectives are unattainable. Nothing in this universe is everlasting. Every system grows to maturity and then declines and the coalitions scheme of unrestrained, perpetual rule and boundless wealth by exploitation of Australians is no exception to the rule - it is doomed! Make no mistake, these death throes of the self-proclaimed born to rule will be painful for all of us and will not be pretty for anyone (least of all for those with so much to lose) but - DEATH THROES THEY ARE - so the sooner we get through them the better. Forget anger and frustration; meet each, inevitable debacle with a welcome sign: THE END IS NIGH..... CELEBRATE NOW!
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 08:02:10 +0000

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