Michael Holt 1 hr · If islamists thinks they are going to - TopicsExpress


Michael Holt 1 hr · If islamists thinks they are going to impose their vile ideology on us here in Australia they have seriously underestimated us Aussies. I talk to people I have never met before almost every day everywhere I go. I am getting phone calls from remote areas of Australia, as well as populated areas all the time, every day. Every single one of them is worried about this islamic cancer and they want it stopped. Well....it will be stopped. And Australia will be the first western country to do it too. I am ashamed that an African country is the first in the world to ban islam. I am ashamed that our politicians are so lily-livered that its a wonder they dont wear sunglasses into Parliament they are so damn yellow! But I have said it before....we are smarter than the moslems. We are working behind the scenes and some momentous changes are coming. WE WILL WIN! We are fighting for our nation, our values, our freedoms and we will NOT lose this fight. I have been Following dozens of our politicians on Twitter, so you should be reading this message now....and if not -- WHY NOT? Get off your fat comfortable arses. Get out in the street and actually talk to your constituents. WE are the PEOPLE. We are tired of watching you give yourselves pay rises without earning a damn cent while our Veterans, poor, pensioners, homeless and disabled go without....so that you can flaunt your comfort and security in our faces. We are angry that you have sold out our industry and farming for the highest overseas bidder. We are damn angry that traitors think they can govern this country with impunity. We are livid that governments are so corrupt and inept that they have bought thousands of speed cameras to raise revenue, and at the same time changed the State government laws to override our Common Law Rights and our Constitution. We are determined to BAN ISLAM in Australia....and if you wont pass the laws to do it then We the People will take the law into our own hands....it wont be pretty. Is that what you want? You had better start reading some history books....the French and American revolutions would be a good start. Because make no mistake. If you politicians dont change your ways and start working for We the People you will end up with your heads on the block....most likely an islamic block unless WE throw them all out! islam4infidels/ban-islam-stickers/
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 14:10:16 +0000

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