Michael Lanfield says: I want to thank all of you who have created - TopicsExpress


Michael Lanfield says: I want to thank all of you who have created this amendment and all of you who have and will sign this declaration. I am an author of the book ‘The Interconnectedness of Life’ and I want to say first and foremost, human slavery is inevitable until we stop all animal slavery. We are animals too and we are all interconnected with one another. There is no separation between any of us. But until we stop seeing other living beings as property and food, there is no hope for peace on this Earth. Justice and love cannot live in this world when we kill other living beings. We are fooling ourselves if we think there is some humane way to take a life. There is not. We all know that non-human animals are capability of experiencing pain and suffering, there is no debating on this. We know, the ancient saying, “As we sow, so shall we reap.” Whatever we want most for ourselves, give it to others. This is better known as ‘cause and effect’. Please do the right thing today and stop using and killing animals for any purpose. I would like to leave you with a few inspiring quotes taken from my book. I hope you all have a chance to read it. It is available to read and download for free or purchase as a paperback. weareinterconnected/the-book “Those who consume animals not only harm those animals and endanger themselves, but they also threaten the well-being of other humans who currently or will later inhabit the planet. ... It is time for humans to remove their heads from the sand and recognize the risk to themselves that can arise from their maltreatment of other species.”- Michael Greger, MD, Physician, Author and Speaker Raising “Kindness and compassion towards all living beings is a mark of a civilized society. Only when we have become non-violent towards all life will we have learned to live well ourselves.” - César Chávez, Farm Worker, Labour Leader and Civil Rights Activist “As long as we remain, at core, a culture that sees animals merely as commodities and food, there is little help for our survival.”- Will Tuttle, PhD, Author of #1 Amazon bestselling book The World Peace Diet “Even animal foods, no matter where they come from, whether it’s hunting, I mean hunting is probably the least harmful, but as soon as we own animals, as soon as we have any sense of ownership, property. Owning another being is violence. Actually it’s a delusion; we do not own another living being.” - Will Tuttle, PhD, Author of #1 Amazon bestselling book The World Peace Diet
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 03:17:03 +0000

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