Michael Licona stands in for William Lane Craig and does an - TopicsExpress


Michael Licona stands in for William Lane Craig and does an overview of inerrancy as it relates to the times of the Biblical authors. WHAT IS AN ERROR???? By the time Mike gives a few examples and discusses what could very well be classified as an error in our Western way of thinking, you understand why JI Packer says that inerrancy is an unfortunate word (though I believe he thinks its an unfortunate necessity). I think the word inerrancy is more than just an unfortunate necessity; it is simply the wrong world. It connotes things that should not be considered a true error, i.e., things like changing speakers, quantification, hyperbole, embellishment, redaction and large segments of paraphrasing. It makes this facebook user wonder if Evangelicals are taking the right track in using the word. Why not say simply the text is reliable, trustworthy and then go on to explain its trustworthiness. Additionally, the Word of God is powerful and it performs what it speaks; it is Gods medium to smash our pride, change our hearts and bring us into a relationship with Him. Personally, I find people scoff at the notion of inerrancy, because it does connote things that Evangelicals do not wish to convey, like: extreme facticity, naive literalism, a science textbook methodology and the like. Perhaps the powerful Word of God simply performs and works inspite of all the things we sophisticated Westerners think are a bunch of ancient religious documents written by uneducated Galileans.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 01:26:51 +0000

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