Michael Mann and James Hansen (who started the greenhouse hoax) do - TopicsExpress


Michael Mann and James Hansen (who started the greenhouse hoax) do not understand thermodynamics. Neither does Robert G Brown whose very weak attempt to refute the gravito-thermal effect completely overlooked the fact that the gradient is the state of thermodynamic equilibrium. If you add a wire between the top and bottom of a cylinder of gas, you merely make a different composite system which then has a new state of thermodynamic equilibrium, and certainly no perpetual cycle of thermal energy. As Loschmidt explained, the temperature gradient has a propensity to form in solids, liquids and gases, but it is reduced in magnitude by intermolecular radiation, and probably obliterated altogether with all the radiation in liquid water. It is also over-ridden by excessive absorption of new energy such as in the stratosphere and the ocean thermocline. These are the facts (based on correct physics and empirical evidence) which smash the greenhouse radiative forcing conjecture … (1) Gravity forms a temperature gradient (and a density gradient) in the tropospheres of all planets with significant atmospheres, including gas giants. This is a direct corollary of the process described in statements of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. (2) Back radiation can only slow radiative cooling back to the atmosphere. The thin surface layer of the oceans in non-polar regions also cools by non-radiative processes both into the atmosphere and, as usually overlooked, also by downward diffusion and convection which are both towards the colder regions found at the base of the ocean thermocline. That energy only gets back to the surface in polar regions, and so it does not affect the temperature of the ocean surfaces in non-polar regions – probably about half of Earth’s surface. (3) Solar radiation cannot possibly raise the temperature of that thin surface layer of the ocean to the observed temperatures, because over 90% of the radiative flux is warming layers below that, and you can’t double count it. You must only enter into Stefan-Boltzmann calculations less than 10% of the solar flux reaching the surface, which is about 10% of 161W/m^2 on average. In fact, that mean flux of 161W/m^2 would only support a temperature of about 235K even if the Earth were paved in black asphalt for which emissivity is 0.93. Check it with an on-line Stefan Boltzmann calculator. Back radiation cannot be added to solar flux when determining the surface temperature and, in fact, it does not penetrate warmer water by more than a few nanometres. Its electro-magnetic energy is pseudo scattered and is never converted to thermal energy in the warmer water. (4) Empirical evidence proves the existence of the gravito-thermal effect, and it would warm the Earth’s surface to a mean of about 295K to 300K but for the fact that water vapour reduces the magnitude of the gradient (aka dry/wet adiabatic lapse rate) and leads to supported temperatures about 10 to 12 degrees cooler. These temperatures in the base of the troposphere slow down and even stop the surface cooling in the early pre-dawn hours, regardless of radiation losses which are balanced by “heat creep” diffusion and conduction back into the surface. These non-radiative transfers of thermal energy occur as a result of the Second Law of Thermodynamics as they are restoring thermodynamic equilibrium. They are most prevalent into the ocean surfaces during sunlit hours and especially on cloudy days. earth-climate
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 19:01:20 +0000

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