Michael Morning Update- He has been having episodes since - TopicsExpress


Michael Morning Update- He has been having episodes since yesterday afternoon. They are currently monitoring him with an eeg machine so they can monitor his brain waves to see what is causing the movement. They have to figure out if it is seizures or if he is making deliberate movements. There is a little good news that just happened as I was typing this- The trauma surgery doctors came in and removed his neck brace. Everyone that knows Michael will know how annoying he must be thinking that brace was. This is the single most difficult thing I have ever had to go though. Having lost both of my parents, most of my grandparents, and multiple friends over the years- I had become mostly numb to things like this. My brain is complete and total mush and I dont know what is happening. All I know is that there is nothing Dad can do. I am supposed to be the one that fixes stuff. weather its his four wheeler, bike or soccer ball. I cant fix this. I dont know if we will get the real Michael back or not. i always took things like going to a Preds game, a Vandy game, or riding roller coasters as something that we would always do together and now I face the possibility of that not being the case. I went to one hockey game with out him in the last two years and it felt so strange to be there without him. He had made friends with seemingly 1/2 of Neyland stadium last fall at the Vandy/UT game. There is nowhere he goes that he doesnt make friends. It has been said that Michael could make friends with anyone and I believe that. I want that Michael back. I want him to give me directions on how to get to Atlanta for monster trucks. I want him to try and help me work in the garage. I want him to try and cut the limbs off the tree that he climbs in the front yard. I am really trying hard to believe that God has a plan for this, but I am really struggling to the the reason. I know that He has a plan and I am not always entitled to an answer and thats hard to understand. Really hard. I have never seen anyone or anything that thought less than awesome things about Michael.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 12:04:58 +0000

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