Michael Vick And Righteous Anger Just a few days ago I posted an - TopicsExpress


Michael Vick And Righteous Anger Just a few days ago I posted an update on that walking piece of filth that goes by the name of Michael Vick. This thing (I refuse to call it a human being) is trying to establish yet another way to make even more cash off of the gullible public by selling his new clothing line. While I am sure his creations will be the perfect getup for the up and coming dog fighter and all around scum bag I am absolutely disgusted with the fact that we live in a world where this thing is still able to maintain a multi-million fan base and raking it in a huge way. We are talking about the kind of money per month the average hard working father can only dream about in a lifetime. How did we become a society where filth like Michael Vick can thrive while good, honest and hardworking men and women struggle to get by? The answer is simple as it is sad and disturbing... WE ALLOW THEM TO. I know that most of us dont like to hear this but the truth it still remains. It is our lack of accountability, which allows and quite frankly feeds monsters like Vick. We are actually contributing and helping Vick have a better career than he had before he was found out to be a fiendish murdering bastard. Before he was caught in the act he was a football star but now that we KNOW he tortured and killed dogs for a hobby we have rewarded him way beyond even his wildest dreams. We give him standing ovations as if he was some kind of hero. We give him courage awards to celebrate his bravery for beating hung by the neck dogs with a baseball bat. We give him the key to a city. We give him a reality show. We give him a better paying contract with the NFL. We make him a spokes person for an animal rights group?!?!? That is like hiring Hitler to front a human rights group!! We even have the president of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA call him up PERSONALLY to honor him as a role model and hero??!!?? I am sure you can tell that I am angry about this. I feel betrayed by my kind and I feel forever closer to my best friends of the K9 kind. We not only let him get away with being a murdering demon but we REWARDED him for it! Whether we want to believe it or not but even those of us who are against Michael Vick are most likely contributing to the rewards this monster gets on a daily basis. Every time we turn on our TV to watch a football game we are feeding the Michael Vick machine. I am not just talking about the games where he is physically participating but ALL of the other games as well. Just think... imagine if we all decided to stop watching ALL football games for just one season. Imagine how the ratings would drop. As a result of the dropped ratings the sponsors would threaten to pull out. The sponsors are the money machine that feed the NFL. The NFL is all about money. What do you think the NFL would do if the sponsors made them choose between Vick and cash??? That is correct. Vick would be flipping burgers and trying to earn an honest living like the rest of you in order to make ends meet rather than raking in tens of millions a year laughing his sick demented ass off at all of us. But it saddens me that while most good Americans love their dogs they wont make the sacrifice of not watching football for a while. Maybe it is because they love football more than dogs? Or maybe it is because the dogs we are talking about were not their own dogs? Personally I will not watch another football game until Vick is fired because I dont want to participate in anything that benefits Vick. In fact, even after Vick is gone I dont think I will watch football again because I cannot support an organization that supports murder of the innocent. Like it or not but the truth is that WE THE PEOPLE have the power to stop murdering bastards like Vick anytime we want to. We also have the power to make him richer every single day allowing him to get away with literal murder and we do this why? BECAUSE HE CAN THROW A BALL WELL??? I have said this before and I will say it again... there is no talent that impresses me less than a grown man who can throw a ball with accuracy. How does this talent compare to a doctor who heals people? Or a teacher that feeds our children knowledge? In fact I believe that the average dog has more important talents than Michael Vick. Let me explain: Search and rescue dogs find people under rubble. They find missing children with their superior sense of smell and they do it simply for the love of their people. Police dogs protect the public from criminals. Seeing eye dogs enable blind people to live normal lives by dedicating their entire existence to leading and helping their people. Therapy dogs enable challenged people to feel things and connect with them and the world in a way that is impossible without their help. Even the average family dog has many important jobs like keeping the family in shape by walking them, keeping everyone happy with love and affection and dont forget the hundreds of thousands of times dogs protect their families often at the cost of their own lives every day all over the world from home invasions, rapists, molesters, burglars and so on. Think of all things dogs do for us and then think what Michael Vick does for us. Well... he throws a ball well. Not for us mind you, but for his bank account. I am sorry but I cannot imagine a less important existence than the one this piece of filth leads. All of that I would not fault him for but the day he started his decade long hobby of torturing and killing mans best friend for fun he exhausted my tolerance of him. When I brought this up again a few days ago most of you reacted with outrage and compassion for the victims in this tragedy... the dogs. I love and applaud all of you who reacted to this atrocity with true emotions, compassion and righteous anger towards the monster who committed these hideous crimes. But there are always those who simply dont get it. There are those who just dont care about dogs and admit that they love the game of football more than these living breathing beings who give their lives for us every single day. Those kind of people are not even evolved enough to understand what is wrong with them. But then there are the kind of people who wear the mask of compassion and preach forgiveness under the guise of Christianity. These people come at me with their pretentious rantings telling me that Vick made a mistake and that he paid for it by going to a publicly funded 2 star hotel called jail for a little while. Remember that Vick had Internet access, cable TV, great food and a place to work out during his incarceration. What do these people mean by he made a mistake? A mistake is getting into a drunken bar fight once. A mistake is stealing a car when you were young. Let us look at the mistake Vick made, shall we? He organized and ran a dog fighting ring for many years. Organized dog fighting has but one purpose and that is to entertain sick demented demons by way of making innocent creatures fight to the death. If the dogs didnt fight well enough then the fun does not end for these monsters because now it is not only allowed but actually encouraged to slowly torture and kill the dog that didnt fight hard enough for further entertainment. So, over many years Vick has fought dogs, maimed dogs, beat them to death, drowned them, lynched and often beat them with a baseball bat while hanging by their neck from a tree branch while laughing his sick and demented ass off. He did this for FUN! He did this for a HOBBY! Very much like you enjoy going to the gym, working on your car or motorcycle or knit a sweater this man tortured and murdered dogs as a hobby! Remember that all serial killers started out getting off on hurting and killing animals before they moved on to the bigger thrill of hurting and killing humans. Remember this the next time you stand up for a serial killer in the making because YOUR child might be the next one on this demons list. Some idiot said to me that he did his time and has not returned to do it again. If he is not doing it over and over again then I must forgive him. What is it that this half-wit didnt get about Michael Vick doing this OVER AND OVER for MANY years to HUNDREDS, if not THOUSANDS of dogs? A repeat offender is not just someone who gets caught multiple times, OK? Using this logic is like saying If a serial killer murdered 50 women and children but he was ONLY CAUGHT ONCE we must forgive him because the Bible says so??? Are you serious??? This person kept telling me that the Bible says to forgive everyone and anyone for anything and she specifically said that we need to forgive serial killers (!!) Forgive serial killers??? I find it amazing how these fake Christians find it in their hearts to forgive any rapist, child molester and murderer but they CANNOT forgive people for being angry at those who do the murdering!!?? What kind of a person would dare to walk up to a grieving mother whos child has been raped and murdered by some demented killer and tell her to forgive the that thing who destroyed her entire existence??? Some crimes are UNFORGIVABLE! In fact, some crimes are so heinous that forgiving them is unforgivable! Let me give you a scenario under which I might have forgiven Michael Vick. Let us suppose that Vick was never caught. Lets say that one day he woke up, found Christ and realized that he committed the most foul crime against innocence imaginable. And lets suppose he decided to go public of his own free will admitting what he has done in the past. Not because his publicist made him read a pre written speech but because he felt the need to come clean. Let us also suppose that he felt so bad about his crimes that he decided to give 75 percent of his more than considerable income to animal rights causes. Remember that even if he gave away 90 percent of his cash he would still live a life of luxury without ANY sacrifice. If THIS had happened I might have had it in me to forgive him but it didnt happen like this now did it? In reality as we know it he had fun torturing and killing dogs until he was CAUGHT. THEN... And only THEN was it that he was sorry all of a sudden. He was so sorry in fact that he read an apology speech written by a top dollar publicist who specializes in spinning a thugs story into a fairy tale. THEN and only THEN was it that he found Christ according to his publicists words. I find it very interesting that these scumbags never find Christ before they are caught. They always seem to find Christ in jail AFTER they are caught. Is it true that Christ is most readily found in jail? Or is it more likely that these people count on the average gullible person who wants to believe anyone that uses Christ as a way to make themselves look better? Which one is more likely do you think? Filth like Vick use finding Christ to get on their side those Christians who think they are required to believe anyone who says they found faith. It amazes me how many Christians buy into this because NOBODY is more justified to feel righteous anger than a Christian who sees a murderer use Christs name to help their agenda. As far as Vick making a real sacrifice money or otherwise for animals is about as likely as a comeback tour of the original line-up of The Beatles. Whatever someone says with their mouth is never as strong as what they say with their actions. Letting a murderer like Vick be a rich superstar speaks volumes! There is nothing wrong with being forgiving when it is called for. But being a gullible sucker is not only less than intelligent but it also befouls the memory of those who have been snuffed by fiends like Vick. A person who forgives Vick is saying that it is OK to kill dogs and go on making millions being a role model for our youth. I am not ashamed to tell you that a person such as this often earns my anger as much as Vick does. I loathe these enablers of evil who under the guise of faith betray the victims of heinous crimes! These people dont even do their faith any favors because it is people like these who often give Christianity a bad name. Being compassionate does not mean you are supposed to act like a gullible idiot who enables killers to get away with murder and then reward them for lying about being a person of faith. You want to show compassion? Then show it to the victims of these heinous crimes! If you can look into the eyes of a grieving mother and tell her to forgive the murderer who raped and killed her child then YOU ARE GUILTY! You are guilty of betraying all that is good and honorable and human! Look into the eyes of the dogs who suffered through this demons very own hell. Some of you have been angry at me for showing you pictures you didnt want to see. But the dogs in the pictures didnt want to get tortured and killed in this way either and we owe them our attention and appropriate action. We need to stop protecting the killers of innocence and start protecting those who have been victimized! To those who preach forgiveness for serial killers... I dont want to hear about your fake ideals and hypocritical self serving agendas. I say self serving because if your fear of going to hell stops you from being a compassionate human being that is willing and able to protect those who cannot protect themselves then you are a confused, selfish coward who failed at this thing called life. I dare say that if YOUR child was the victim you would sing a different tune altogether. And if your child was hurt and you would not sing a different tune then I feel bad for your child. Because every child on this earth, human, K9 or otherwise, deserves a protective lioness for a mother rather than a dim witted, phrase spouting, all forgiving automaton. There is evil out there that cannot be forgiven or loved away. Imagine what kind of a world we would live in today if a bunch of weak willed followers had loved Hitler into world domination? We would live in a very different world today if it were not for the brave warriors who declared UNFORGIVING and relentless war on evil. Remember that Michael is a warrior angel who defeated evil by SLAYING it rather than hugging it. Dogs are like children and my dogs are my family. If a man hurts my family then nothing on this earth would protect him from what I would become to him. My dogs would give their lives for me and I will do the same for them. If I did anything less then I would not deserve their company much less their love and trust. Am I angry today? You bet! I am angry at this piece of filth called Vick. I am angry at the public for supporting him. I am angry at these dim-witted automatons who diminish everything that makes humanity righteous and just. I am angry because I feel the pain of every dog that has been tortured and killed by monsters like Vick. I am angry at every person who befouls this earth with speech of forgiving the violators while forgetting those who have been violated. Until we live in a world where everyone is kind we need to be much more vigilant when it comes to protecting each other. There is a reason why a few organized and motivated individuals can dominate the disorganized and unmotivated masses. We have the power to make this a better world but we need to be counted. We need to be willing to make a stand not just for ourselves but also for those that cannot stand for themselves. Let us not be all forgiving automatons and enablers for monsters to thrive. Let us be aggressive warriors who are always willing and able to fight the good fight. Your friend, M. Lion
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 16:32:29 +0000

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