Michael Yon 1 hr · Hitler and the Holocaust: False Comparisons - TopicsExpress


Michael Yon 1 hr · Hitler and the Holocaust: False Comparisons -- the ANC and Chairman Mao Every day, people compare others to Hitler, or they compare some tragedy to the Holocaust. Normally the comparisons are far off. For instance, comparing Thaksin Shinawatra to Hitler is downright kooky. Thaksin may have been responsible for about 3,000 deaths. Hitler -- more like 55 million deaths -- depending on whose number you quote -- and he was responsible for the destruction of entire countries, including his own. Hitler caused so many deaths that nobody has a good idea how many died. Some believe it was far more than 55 million. Deaths that were directly related to Hitler might only have been about 12 million. This gets complicated and figures are fuzzy. In any case, he left a mountain of bodies on his path, and the number was in the millions. There are a few people who can honestly be compared to Hitler. Mao Ze-Dong is at the top of the list. Worse even than Hitler, Mao is held responsible for 45-78 million deaths, depending on whose figures you quote. So why is the ANC honoring Mao? What is going on with the ANC? bdlive.co.za/opinion/columnists/2014/09/04/mao-zedong-a-bizarre-choice-of-icon-for-anc-to-honour
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 09:48:08 +0000

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