~Michael imagine~ You walk up the sidewalk, your steps in time - TopicsExpress


~Michael imagine~ You walk up the sidewalk, your steps in time with the song blasting through your earbuds as you walk towards your house, which was at the other end of the neighborhood from where you are now. Your phone dings, signaling that youve received a text, and you unlock your phone to answer it. You hit something hard, and you fall, dropping your phone. Oh my god, Im so- (Y/N)?!? you hear a familiar voice say above you. You look up to see a face you havent seen in years. You jump up and wrap your arms around his neck, hugging him. Michael, oh my goodness, its been so long! you say after you let go. I know, Ive missed you! The two of you continue to talk, losing track of time. Oh, its late, Ive gotta- MICHAEL I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DONT GET BACK HERE WERE LEAVING WITHOUT YOU, you hear someone yell. You look behind Michael to see a tall blond running towards the two of you. Whos this? he asks, nodding at you. This is (Y/N), Michael replies, smiling. The one you talk about all the time? Erm, yeah, but- He used to always talk about how pretty you were, and how much he missed you, and- She doesnt need to know, mate, Michael interrupts, shooting the blond stranger a glare. Oh. Yeah. Well be over at your place, mate, he says, walking away with a wave. Once hes gone, you turn to Michael, smiling. Did you really say all that stuff? What stuff? Oh, you know, how pretty I am, and how much you missed me, that stuff. Oh. Um...yeah, he replies, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly as you smile. If it helps, I told people how much I missed you while you were gone, too, you tell him, now blushing. I meant to ask you something before I left, you know, he says quietly, stepping closer to you. And whats that? you ask just as quietly as him. He steps as close to you as possible, cupping your face in his hands, and you realize how tall hes gotten. He leans in slightly, testing to see if youll pull back. When you dont, he kisses you, an action you return quickly. I was gonna ask you to be my girlfriend, he whispers. What stopped you? Your intimidating level of amazingness, he says, smiling. I wouldve said yes, you idiot, you say, giggling. Would you say yes now? he asks, looking you in the eye, completely serious. Most definitely, you respond, kissing him again. ~~~ AAH I HAD TROUBLE WRITING THIS CAUSE YOU KNOW FEELS ~Katie Horan
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 00:56:53 +0000

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