Michelle Gyles-McDonnough UN Resident Coordinator for Malaysia, - TopicsExpress


Michelle Gyles-McDonnough UN Resident Coordinator for Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei Wisma UN, Block C Kompleks Pejabat Damansara Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. 16 July 2014 HANDING OVER OF AN URGENT MEMORANDUM TO THE UNITED NATIONS: STOP THE CONTINUOUS GENOCIDE TOWARDS PALESTINIANS AND ROHINGYAS. Myanmar Ethnic Rohingya Human Rights Organization Malaysia (MERHROM) would like to draw your attention in regards to the recent attack on both Palestinians and Rohingyas by Israel and Myanmar during the beginning of the Holy month of Ramadhan. We strongly condemn such attack as many innocent people have died especially children and women. We could not accept such act as it contradicts the International Laws and International Conventions. Both Palestinians and Rohingyas faced continuous Genocide since 1940-s. We experienced the same critical moment where we face continous attack from both regime. Unfortunately the United Nations did not take any appropriate measures to stop the long standing Genocide that cause death to thousands of Palestinians and Rohingyas. We felt very sad and heart broken to see millions of human beings especially children, women and elderly being murdered, raped, tortured and imprisonment for the past 60 years. The United Nations, World Leaders and International Communities have constantly talks about the gross human rights violations in both countries, how Palestinians and Rohingyas were oppressed and prosecuted by the regimes. Further to that the United Nations itself announced that the Rohingya is the most prosecuted ethnic in the world. However, until now there is no concrete action taken by the United Nations to stop the oppressions, prosecutions and Genocide towards both Palestinians and Rohingyas. The current situation is very critical. We do not know what will happen in the next few hours. The toll deaths are increasing for the Palestinians. As of now estimated 173 Palestinians have been killed and more than 1200 Palestinians have been wounded badly. We have to stop this immediately to save the innocent population. We have to increase pressure to stop the Genocide in both countries. Therefore:- We strongly condemned Israel and Myanmar for attacking innocent populations, Mosques, hospitals, schools, and Madrasah for whatever reasons due to the facts that these are the noble places. We strongly condemned Israel for using boms that can cause cancer to the Palestinians. Such attack towards innocent population could not be accepted at all as children and women will be suffering the most. We strongly condemn Israel for destroying the water supply for the Palestinians as water is a very basic need to the human survivals. We strongly condemn all Alliance countries to Israel for supplying military equipments to kill the Palestinians We strongly condemn the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) for not doing enough to protect the Holy place of all Religions - Baitul Maqdis. Few hundred thousands have died both in Palestin and Arakan State due to bombings, shooting, diseases, malnutrition and starvations. Thousands more of Rohingya drowned in the ocean over the years while fleeing their country. We regret very much when the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon appealed for a ceasefire between Israel and Palestinian. This clearly shows that United Nations losing its mandate to secure the security of its member states. We have everything in the world to save us from the GENOCIDE but it was not use to help us. We have the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) as a super solid declaration which guides us how we suppose to live in this world. The UDHR clearly state our rights in very detail way. Unfortunately in our cases, NONE of these RIGHTS are belong to us. It is shameful that we only can see the UDHR in a paper but we cannot embrace it in our life. All our rights have been taken away by the regimes. WE have the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) but none of their rights are guarenteed in Palestin and Myanmar. Ironicly children and women became the target by both regimes and suffered the most at any times. We have the International Criminal Court (ICC) to prosecute those who involved in the Crimes Against Humanity but it was not use to prosecute the head of the countries who conducted the GENOCIDE against Palestinians and Rohingya. We have the United Nations Security Council who oversees the security issues around the world but it was not use to secure the Palestinians and Rohingyas while we become the victims of GENOCIDE. We had urged the United Nations thousand times to take immediate actions to intervene but it was not done except sending their envoys and making reports. As a Mandated Body, the United Nations must treat all race and ethnic equally without being prejudice to their religion. If not United Nations cannot functions effectively and it will lose its credibility as a Mandated body. Human rights and International Conventions are useless if these Instruments could not stop Genocide and other form of crimes against humanity. We should not call ourself as Civilize nation until we respect each other’s rights. We have no more time to talk and negotiate with the regimes. This is the time to take action against the regimes who commit severe crimes against humanity. The failure of the United Nations to stop the GENOCIDE is the failure of the World Leaders and the International Communities at large. Human lives must be given the first priority before anything else if we call ourselves as a develop nations. We must contribute in whatever way to save the Palestinians and Rohingyas from the continuous Genocide from the cruel and uncivilize regime. Israel is an illegal state who committed the biggest crime against humanity – GENOCIDE for the past 60 years. All countries should not condone with Israel’s crimes against Palestinians. In this very critical situation, MERHROM urge the United Nations to: 1. immediately send the Peace Keeping Mission to Gaza to restore ceasefire and monitor the human rights abuses 2. urge Israel to allows foreign aid and aid workers to enter Gaza without any restrictions 3. urge the Alliance countries to Israel to stop military and financial assistance to Israel immediately in order to stop the killing of Palestinians 4. urge its member states to boikot all Israel product as well as the products of Israel Alliance Countries until the Israel stop killing the Palestinians 5. urge the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to immediately stop exporting oil to Aliance Countries to Israel until Israel stop killing the Palestinians 6. urge all countries to immediately stop the economic and diplomatic relationship with Israel immediately until they stop the attack on Gaza and Palestinians 7. urge Israel to free Palestinians prisoners 8. prosecute the current and former Prime Minister of Israel for Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity. They must be brought to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for killing the Palestinians For the plight of Rohingyas in Myanmar, MERHROM urge the United Nations to: 1. Prosecute the President Thien Sein and former General Thein Shwe as well as previous Generals for Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity. They must be brought to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for killing, raping, torturing, detaining and abusing Minority Muslims and other ethnics. 2. Urge the Myanmar government to amend the 1982 Citizenship Law to recognize Rohingya as a citizen of Myanmar. 3. urge its member states to stop the economic and political relationship with Myanmar immediately until they protect Rohingya and Muslims in Myanmar with equal rights. 4. establish an Independent Commission of Inquiry Immediately to specifically investigate the gross human rights violations towards Rohingya prisoners in Buthidaung jail. 5. Urge the United Nations Security Council to send their Peace Keeping Mission to Arakan State Urgently to control and monitor the human rights abuses. 6. establish an Independent Commission of Inquiry Immediately to investigate, monitor and access the situation of Rohingya in Arakan State. 7. Urge the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Malaysia (UNHCR) to speed their registration process for the Rohingya asylum seekers. At the moment the registration process is very slow and it will only left the Rohingya with no protection at all. 8. Urge the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Malaysia (UNHCR) to process the Resettlement of Rohingya refugees to the Third Countries due to increase persecutions by the Myanmar Government towards minority Rohingya. 9. Urge the Resettlement countries to accept Rohingya refugees due to very low intake of Rohingya refugees into their countries. At this critical stage we appeal the Resettlement Countries to accept the victims of GENOCIDE and give us the new life for our future generations. We thank you very much for your Urgent Intervention to resolve the conflict and Save the Palestinians and Rohingyas from the GENOCIDE. Thank you. Yours sincerely, Mr. Zafar Ahmad Bin Abdul Ghani President Myanmar Ethnic Rohingya Human Rights Organization Malaysia (MERHROM) Tel No: +6016-6827287 Blog: merhrom.wordpress Email: [email protected] Email: rights4rohingyas@gmail https://facebook/zafar.ahmad https://twitter/merhromZafar
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 08:54:23 +0000

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