Michelle Obama Taking ANOTHER Expensive, Taxpayer Funded Trip: - TopicsExpress


Michelle Obama Taking ANOTHER Expensive, Taxpayer Funded Trip: During Her ‘Vacation’ Tour Of China. She Has Banned Media Questions By Joseph R. Carducci on March 22, 2014 As you may know by now, Michelle Obama is in China. Yes, she is taking yet another expensive vacation on our dime. This trip is entirely funded by us, the taxpayers of the US. She has brought both of her children, her mother, and numerous aides and staffers along on this trip. By the way, just to make things even more interesting, the White House refuses to release details on how much this trip will cost the country. Not bad for the most transparent administration in history, right? We all know that Michelle has been taking a lot of trips a vacations recently. In fact, it seems like she has spent more time away from Washington than she has in our nation’s capital…well, at least since her and Barrack have been having marital problems (this has also been widely reported, so we need not bore you with previously mentioned details). During this trip, she has actually decided to ban media questions outright. However, her prohibition is unclear as to whether or not it only applies to American journalists and reporters or also Chinese reporters. Since the media is incapable of reporting on this China tour, we have really no way of knowing exactly what we are paying for. Nice, right? But this gets even better. The major media outlets received an EMAIL informing them of this ban. The subject line was “For planning purposes only/not for reporting.” They were also informed that there will only be two events in China that are completely open to the press. During those two open events (that were also described as having limited space, by the way) Queen Michelle refuses to take any questions whatsoever. Listen to how the Daily Mail has categorized the entire Chinese tour: “Although she will make a few speeches with reporters in the room, the picture is largely one of an expensive, taxpayer-funded tourism exercise for Mrs. Obama, her two daughters, and her mother—not the official trip the White House has projected.” Hmm, maybe she is just looking to spend more time apart from barrack? Of course, the White House is hard at work trying to put a good spin on this. Ben Rhodes, the deputy national security adviser for strategic communications, has insisted that the trip will be well worth the expense. Apparently, just by the mere presence of the First Lady, we will be given the Chinese people an amazing example of our values, including respect for human rights. Of course, if this is indeed the purpose of the trip, then the media blackout seems even more puzzling. If the past can be any indication, then we should expect a huge bill. Previously. Michelle has taken taxpayer-funded vacations to Spain and a tour of Africa. These trips each cost more than $400,000. Expect a bill at least as big as these….quite possibly a lot more.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 14:12:27 +0000

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