Mick Beddoes Says People of Integrity, Honesty, Courage and - TopicsExpress


Mick Beddoes Says People of Integrity, Honesty, Courage and Compassion would have great difficulty joining FIJI FIRST Cowardice asks the question – is it safe Expediency asks the question – is it political Vanity asks the question – is it popular But conscience asks the question – is it right There comes a time when one must take a position That is neither safe, nor political, nor popular But one must take it because IT IS RIGHT! - Dr Martin Luther King Jr Fiji First is calling on men and women of integrity, honesty, courage and compassion to join it. In the light of the appalling record of the Founding Members of that party, this call is absurd and hypocritical . For a start, Beddoes says, people of integrity, honesty, courage and compassion would find it difficult in conscience to join an organization with a stolen name and symbol, and a constitution that is undemocratic, reduces its members to ‘irrelevance’ and vests absolute control in the Founding Members of the party [Bai-Kai] Integrity: W.Clement Stone says :- A person of integrity must have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity. Beddoes said that, in all truth, Bai-Kai cannot lay claim to these attributes. Honesty: Beddoes said Bai-Kai possess a unique resistance to the normal human quality and principle of honesty. Bainimarama had lied to the people on the first day of his coup when he said no one from the military would benefit from it. He also lied when he said they had proof of Mr Qarase’s corruption while Prime Minister. He lied again when he said no one in his administration would contest the elections. He and Khaiyum have been lying to the people ever since. An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it. [Mohandas K Gandhi] Compassion: ‘Compassion is the emotion that humans feel in response to the suffering of others that it motivates a genuine desire to help’. Beddoes asks what kind of compassion Bai-Kai showed towards the 13 families whose loved ones were murdered or killed in unexplained and tragic circumstances in the coups. There has been no remorse, nor has there been any desire to establish the real truth behind their deaths and to help their families receive justice, compensation and hopefully closure to this tragic episode in our history. Courage: ‘The quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain and suffering without fear. Bravery! Beddoes said there is nothing courageous, ethical or honest about Bai-Kai and their aiders and abettors seeking to be elected to the House of Representatives when in 2006, for personal reasons, they destroyed the legally-elected parliament 6 months after its members had received the people’s mandate to govern. Their campaign for election now, using massive amounts of state resources, is again motivated by personal reasons related to their actions in 2006 and since. They are doing this while hiding behind an ‘Entrenched Immunity’ provision in their imposed 2013 constitution under Chapter 10 – IMMUNITY Sec 157 & 158. For their capital and other crimes they have given themselves, Quote: Absolute and unconditional immunity is irrevocably granted to any person (whether in their official or personal or individual capacity) holding the office of, or holding the office in, as the case may be:- The President, The Prime Minister and cabinet ministers, RFMF, Fiji Police, Fiji Corrections, Judiciary,Public Service and any public office, from any criminal prosecution and from any civil or other liberty in any court, tribunal or commission, in any proceeding including legal, military. Disciplinary or professional proceedings and from any order or judgement of any court, tribunal or commission, as a result of any direct or indirect participation, appointment or involvement in the Government from December 5th 2006 to the date of the first sitting of parliament elected after the commencement of this constitution, provided however any such immunity shall not apply to any act or omission that constitutes an offence under Sections 133 to 146, 148 to 236, 288 to 351, 356 to 361, 364 to 374 and 377 to 386 of the Crimes Decree 2009 (as prescribed in the Crimes Decree 2009 at the date of the commencement of this Constitution. Sec 158 (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this constitution, this Chapter and any immunity granted or continued in the this Chapter shall not be reviewed, amended, altered, repealed or revoked. (2) Notwithstanding anything in this constitution, no court or tribunal shall have the jurisdiction to accept, hear or make any decision or order with respect to any challenge against the provisions of this Chapter and any immunity granted or continued in this Chapter. (3) No compensation shall be payable by the state to any person in respect of damage, injury, or loss to his or her property or person caused by or consequent upon any conduct from which immunity has been granted under this Chapter. Beddoes said members of Fiji First and the regime including the President, Prime Minister and cabinet ministers, RFMF, Fiji Police, Fiji Corrections, Judiciary, certain members of the Public Service and some public office holders enjoy unconditional and irrevocable immunity from all criminal or civil prosecution from December 5th 2006 until the first sitting of parliament and beyond. Beddoes said people who have integrity, are honest and courageous, do not need such an entrenched immunity to defend their actions because they will know and believe that what they have done is right and just. They possess a depth of honesty and ethical courage that allows them to step up and account for all their actions. They are willing to defend themselves at any time in any court and will stand or fall by their principles and beliefs. These are the hallmarks of persons of integrity, honesty and courage. In this instance those who have granted themselves immunity know the wrong they have done and are simply too afraid to face up to it. They need immunity so they don’t have to answer for their crimes against the people. Beddoes said if recent developments and handouts such as some new roads, free school fees and some free bus fares that Bai-Kai have given the people are so welcome why are BAI –KAI so afraid to remove their immunity and let the people judge them on their deeds? Beddoes said it is because BAI-KAI and their accomplices know the wrong they have done cannot be righted by the ‘goodies’ they have given out using $15 billion of taxpayers dollars that they have yet to account for. The truth is they cannot defend the wrong they have committed and that is why they hide behind the Chapter 10 – IMMUNITY Sec 157 & 158. This is why I say people of integrity, honesty, courage and compassion would have great difficulty associating with, or supporting FijiFirst or the regime and its backers. George Speight did in 2000 exactly what Frank Bainimarama did in 2006. Yet George and his crew remain in prison serving time for their crime while BAI-KAI not only roam free but also enjoy an entrenched immunity from prosecution and can contest elections, they deny others. Where here is the just, fair and equal application of the ‘rule of law’ to all citizens? Does this represent the equal citizenry of which BAI-KAI speak about unceasingly? Would people with integrity, honesty, courage and compassion condone such discrimination? I think not. Those who become FijiFirst candidates become guilty by association. One day they will have to answer for their decision to carry its tainted banner. They will not only be endorsing the wrongs I have mentioned here, but also many other actions such as denying us our full legal rights, rule by fear, spite, vindictiveness and persecution, and breaking promises. They will be signing up to the injustice heaped on pensioners who lost up to half their incomes, and blatant discrimination against indigenous landowners. WAKE UP PEOPLE! OPEN YOUR EYES! SEE THE TRUE NATURE OF FIJIFIRST AND ITS FOUNDERS. DON’T ALLOW YOURSELVES TO BE MISLED AND BECOME IRRELEVENT IN OUR STRUGGLE TO ‘RECLAIM FIJI’. STATEMENT No. 14 Date Issued: August 2 2014 Authorized By: Mick Beddoes
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 09:45:01 +0000

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