Mickey Update: Mickey continues improve with leaps and bounds. - TopicsExpress


Mickey Update: Mickey continues improve with leaps and bounds. Last stool sample showed absolutely no blood. Dr. Vargas is so amazed that with all of the ulcers she has that they are healing so quickly. We also have preliminary results back on the original lymph node from her original surgery. After further testing with microbiology the results are coming back negative for TB. Okay, she went through 6 months of hell for nothing but in their defense two pathologists (one the best in the country) determined it was TB because in 99 percent of the cases it is. Of course, her case is ultra rare. When the final results come back on Friday (which we assume will be negative) it just confirms more positively that it was this pesky little bacteria from the start. Also because shes responding so well, were as sure as we can be in medicine, that weve found the culprit. She hopes to be released from the hospital on the 19th or 20th and we will then start working with the infectious disease doctor in San Jose for the final year long leg of this journey. Amoxicillan 3 times a day for a year orally. She work up this morning bright eyed and bushy tailed and just cant wait to get home to her little house and her pets. Im one happy momma today and heading home for a mini vacation
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 14:46:09 +0000

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