Mickeys Daily Bread Proverbs Ch.22 There is much more to life than - TopicsExpress


Mickeys Daily Bread Proverbs Ch.22 There is much more to life than making money is a common truism and Solomon points that out here declaring that having a good reputation for fairness and honesty is a better choice. Proverbs 22:1 (KJV) 1 A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold. Then in verse 4 he shows how to combine them both together. Proverbs 22:4 (KJV) 4 By humility and the fear of the LORD are riches, and honour, and life. There are another two proverbs that also go together in this chapter. Proverbs 22:6 (KJV) 6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. For many parents this is a rich an enduring promise trusting in the faithfulness of God and the power of His Word to bring back the prodigal. Part of the basis of that training is covered in the correct use of loving discipline. Proverbs 22:15 (KJV) 15 Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him. In verse 19 Solomon emphasises the importance of the instruction he is giving and points out that the instruction he is giving is not for others but to the one who is reading. It is like when we listen to a sermon we can think that the message applies to someone else and nod in agreement but fail to realise it is ourselves who need to take note and apply the Word. Proverbs 22:19 (KJV) 19 That thy trust may be in the LORD, I have made known to thee this day, even to thee. Proverbs 22:19 (NLT) 19 I am teaching you today—yes, you— so you will trust in the LORD.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 08:40:54 +0000

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