Microgatorandmia Jackson - Some families are so scary when the - TopicsExpress


Microgatorandmia Jackson - Some families are so scary when the majority of its members have NPD and only one member doesnt and grows up knowing for years that something is very wrong with all of them. Eventually, getting away is the only solution. Amazingly their smear campaign words will be that the one who escapes is estranged and is the one with a problem.. Lol! Omg! It does not matter what you do to keep the peace, by either staying away or trying to show love, communication or understanding, trying to bring harmony to the situation, they will find a way to start a bizarre fight, then trash your character for trying to defend yourself and if you point out their wrong doing, you have just invited a deadly smear campaign or worse depending on just how Psycho they really are, they will find a way to shift all the bad onto a target.. Just get away and stay gone, there is nothing that can be done to fix crazy sadistic people. They only get worse with age. The whole situation is dangerous and will never be resolved or get better. They are who they are, sick, evil, entitled, thieves who will make sure they take whatever they can from you, take advantage of you, deprive you, ruin your life on many different levels and never support you if you are in trouble. In fact, they are capable of making you drown in any temporary trouble and secretly laugh and enjoy watching people have a hard time whether its temporary or permanent. Narc families are toxic, full of competition, triangulation and strife and must be avoided. Such a sad and tragic circumstance to be born into, knowing such people have no sense of giving their members a sense of protection or solid ground and safety network to fall back on. Only dysfunction and throwing daggers and with repeated ongoing triangulation which is highly abnormal behavior and painful to witness and deal with.. Its sad, but the only safety from it is no contact. Some people need to be sterilized! Run - just leave them be. There is nothing more heartbreaking than to know they cannot change. The only chance a person from such dysfunction has at stability and balance is to leave them behind, its sad, but must be done if a person wants to implement self improvement and success into their own lives.. Dont be stuck in hell with them, just go, and also get rid of any toxic intimate partners who show the same signs.. They are all a waste of life experience and time. Its short, get away and embrace all the bigger and better possibilities this life has to offer. They might be related, but thats not a family. Its a dysfunctional pack of demonic rats. They know when a member of their group is not like them and it agitates them because such people are perceived as a threat because of the empathy, intelligence and compassion which they did not develop on the same level. This makes them dangerous to be around, because Narcs hate empaths and enjoy any opportunity to frighten them, rattle their cage and bring them down. They dont care, have no feeling or remorse for the betrayal and harm they are capable of, Narcissists are vile, evil in nature and highly disordered, they constantly victimize others, yet in their world view, they are being victimized by their targets, in their sick twisted thought process, if their target has any sense to stand up to them in any way shape or form. Any attempt to make them accountable for their cruel game(s) is guaranteed to ignite threats, hostility and smear campaigns and it repeats over and over.. The experience of a Narc family is a toxic repeated, tragic mess, that can never change. Run!
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 08:54:50 +0000

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