Microsoft Word 2010 maybe that is where we all need to go back to - TopicsExpress


Microsoft Word 2010 maybe that is where we all need to go back to the simple basics of a program that worked from its conception quite simply. Parenting 101 is neither for dummies or the faint of heart. It is a full time position of a lifetime commitment to excellence through unconditional love. To focus on the positive is really the only way we will ever even attempt to begin to eliminate the negative destructive influence’s in our lives. I grew up watching I Love Lucy, if Lucy could pull it off then I was destined to try and do it as well. I clearly suffered from the childlike impression better known as the I Love Lucy Syndrome. When in clear and precise retrospect that is really not a bad thing just a fact of how my younger impressionable years in my life were for me. WE all search for good role models to aspire to be like in all of our lives. Most of us always desire to find real mentors coaches and teachers that inspire and become beloved friends that will stick by us no matter what through thick and through thin. Places of worship much like the college experience is designed with the opportunity to meet and make lifetime friends that have the potential to become like family real family forever. Solutions to age old problems cannot be solved overnight yet the message is quite clear together WE R better. Being extremely intuitive I have been blessed throughout my life to pick up on people’s moods and emotions without them even having to say a word. It has been a challenge over my lifetime to mature in how I react to people’s personalities as well as my own character defects. For a long time I was hyper sensitive to the energy in the air and responded in a defensive manner allowing emotions to dictate and over rule positive mature behavior. Instead of allowing Gods Holy Spirit to mature me into a woman of faith and substance that could lead others by example of a kind and gentle state of being no matter what life’s circumstances come our way I responded too often t the negative energy in the same manner. WE all have areas in our lives that we excel in and that we are still weak in. The very reason why the family of humanity is in great need of understanding the power of will and the importance of surrendering the human will over to Gods divine will. He alone knows what is best for each of His children created by Him and for His good pleasure. WE take tests to see what we are good at to learn what to study in college courses. Then far too often when many of us get here we find that our passions so do not match up with what our real hearts desires were from when we were small children with big dreams. The perfect song is on the radio to bring this point home…Switchfoot Afterlife, which says they are ready now to live not waiting for the afterlife I could not agree more. Sadly so many amazing brilliant creative passion filled people often wind up in huge debt and substance less futile existences. WE wonder how people leave families for secret affairs and leave churches for the Himalaya Mountains, looking for themselves. It is the very soul searching process that cries out to every human being that there just has to be more there has to be more to life then this and yes there certainly and thankfully is. If ones passion is to see injustice over turned then taking courses in that area is quite helpful. If someone desires to be a musician that will never desire to be a mathematician then they should be able to take course that will get them in the direction of their dreams without twenty wasted years of trying to swim upstream like a salmon on the waters of Alaska going the opposite way of the flowing current. Life is short we have to make every day count .We have to be willing to get out of our comfort zones and go back to a simple program that works like a Microsoft Word that needs no apps to perform. WE must challenge our spirits to come alive and live life to its fullest. It is possible to enjoy ones daily life even as one strives to find their way. Life connections are imperative in order to become fully alive. Being connected with like minds that feel and believe and desire to make a real tangible difference in our world increases the passion and creativity within our own lives as well. At the same time we should not belittle those who do not desire to go to college and choose another path to find their way anymore then a well-meaning overzealous person of faith tries to beat the unbeliever over the head with a bible to make him believe as they do. There is a false reality that claims to say we are here on this earth to only fulfill one’s own personal passion and dreams. The theory is that live while you are alive do whatever you want until it is your time to die. This line of thinking does not address the eternal soul’s desire within each of us that hungers to live forever and for their own persona life to matter in the masses of endless sands on the beach that we are all a collective part of. The mindset that demands make your own way and graduate from life with the most toys and awards. He who has the most toys cars and bankbooks still has to die and meet their maker one day and each of us will stand before the judgment seat of Christ and give an account for our lives. For those who are not of the Christian faith this may sound absurd irrational or rather prejudice. It’s all good; “Let every man work out their own salvation with fear and trembling before the Lord.” If we all thought the same there would be no higher learning no reason for a education and no real substance to this life journey we are all on to find our way to the eternal someday. Where many have lost their faith or never had it to begin with is because of the state of affairs in our world today. Quite frankly who can actually fault an atheist for not believing in a loving God when we have all seen such injustice wars and sorrow and suffering in all of our lives. It is the clear responsibility of people with faith just like our educated families within our Universities’ to lead the way by example in both faith and rational behavior that exuberates good citizenship love and kindness because we actually know better. That does not mean we are perfect people we all have our good days and our bad life is hard we do not need to be hard on ourselves or one another. There is far too much pressure to always make the grade to begin with sometimes an F is an A in reverse because it helps one to reflect like a fork in the road. A pause break to pray and seek guidance on the direction one’s life is going in that area. Sometimes the best way to stand out is to strive to blend in in simple ways of goodness. I think a recruiter is one of the most important parts of the family because they can make or break setting up a beautiful life for failure or success. When a recruiter is a person of integrity they will give an honest answer when the candidate asks a question that will impact their life and the lives of others for years to come. When I first moved to Corpus Christi and I was a single mom I was speaking to a recruiter about joining the Navy. I was very pulled in my emotions at the time. The Navy wanted me to sign over custody of my daughter Jennifer for one year to a family member. I had a lot of very close brothers in Christ in flight school at the times that were my role models that I aspired to be like because of their faith strength and integrity. Yet ironically I did not ask their input at the time. Possibly in fear that I had that they might have thought at the time that I was not smart enough to make the cut. Instead I asked my brother Glen for his input. Glenn had been in Vietnam at the age of 17 my mom had to sign the papers for him to go. A decision she regretted her entire life and the reason why she had an ongoing passionate amount of not so nice words she would vocally speak against Jane Fonda every day of those tortuous times of waiting and praying for Glenn to return safely home. He said to me that in his opinion that it was not the right choice for my life and that I would regret it for my entire life. He said that I was the kind of person that could not be told what to do and that I would be in serious misery if I decided to enlist. He knew me well I was very stubborn when I was younger completely unreachable and unteachable unless I learned it the hard way I actually could not be told what to do for far too long. I went from never reading a rule or regulation to becoming so obnoxiously militant on flowing commands and procedures I made everyone quite miserable unintentionally around me. The little dragon fly that would tell no lie, yet would so brutally be honest alienating myself with false pride that I did not even know that I had from humanity. As fate would happen I would many years later on September 13, 2001 take a path and an oath to serve and protect that would lead me far away from all of my beloved children and grandchildren for many years to come as full time Citizen Solder a Marine Delta Task Force hidden under an Army umbrella. Trained by the best of the best in Special Ops Navy Seals to stay alive against all odds. As I sit here still a life in limbo waiting for my official separation date and the truth to finally surface. With my very long and overdue College degrees for Criminal Justice and Political Science Specialist earned through 95 percent experiential experience as a field agent. I still HAVE NO REGRETS! I am thrilled that when this time the call To Duty was given I gave it my all to serve defend and protect the lives of our people. Thankfully my missions never had me harm physically a single human soul though I did have to defend myself a few times over. Just like the right training will keep you alive in the most horrific of dangerous circumstances. The right recruiter coach teacher mentor pastor rabbi will make or break the searching soul. So when it comes to a lifetime career choice, or what school to go to or not to go to, or a marriage or a pathway to faith and salvation. Make it your very own personal quest and find your own song to sing. Be assured and comforted that your loving heavenly Father will always be there to lead the way if you ask Him for His direction What God leads you to He will see you through always and forever. It is imperative that we listen to our inner voice of truth that is that still small voice that just knows without ever hearing single word which direction one should take in their life after everyone else from parents to teachers and counselors to loved and beloved friends have given their opinions. The final decision will always be yours and alone as will the consequences and choices of your own actions. To begin to see a world where diseases are eradicated and injustices are finally over turned. It may have to first actually and quite simply go back to hygiene 101. It may seem weird but it matters greatly if we care enough for others we shall be cared for as well. So as we all begin to help to daily create a beautiful place to live. Starting with where people actually begin to think of others and clean up after themselves in public restrooms to achieve said goal of ending suffering from greed. In the bigger picture this will lead us to the path of destiny and over expenditure of the need for more and more instead of the gospel truth that less really is more. Family matters most only when we first really realize it is our loving God who matters most because we are His family. Our expression of love and kindness towards one another reflects the purity of faith and spiritual laws of goodness in action. Family takes care of family, family and it has to start somewhere. Why not let it start with clean public restrooms and no trash being thrown on the ground. It’s like cleaning up your room and doing your laundry basic stuff that really makes an easier happier life and gets the clutter out of the way to enjoy ones day. It is a day by day practice to focus ones attention on the importance to eliminate the negative energy and transmit signals of goodness to our fellowman. Striving to inspire to bring out the good in others as well as myself is a great passion in my own personal life. Electrons fired up without positive matter can be a combustible waste of energy that drains the body of nutrients and zaps the spirit of a joyful peaceful state of mind. It is when we are influenced by positivity that we understand the importance of it. That is exactly why positive people we love hanging with other people that love life music art most importantly our God family and our friends. Positive energy helps to feed and inspire the creative process it helps us to express and place our own authentic soul print on our world. Sharing what we learn and being eager to learn new things from others keeps us teachable and childlike. This is how we can really grow as we begin to challenge ourselves to see the world through our Gods eyes of love. To be still and know that God is God is to understand the importance of just pausing and watching nature or listening to a bird sing a morning song. Nature is the touchstone to our loving Gods hidden force field of all creative flow. It is when we are still and present in the very moment of our lives and with thankful hearts stop to breathe in the miracle of just waking up in the morning. Then the miracle sinks into our souls that there is a beautiful way to go through life that mattes most every day. It stars in realizing that every new day is a brand new beginning with endless possibilities that life is so much better with a smile on your face and a song in your heart. If we can begin to in childlike wonder begin to imagine the endless possibilities if only we chose to see the beauty all around us on others in ourselves and the amazing world around us. There is always going to be someone ready to rain on your day that’s okay too life happens stuff happens. People can challenge us to build our own characters in positive ways by their negative examples. Dare to live a life of fullness by participating in all that comes your way every day good and bad begin to know yourself and believe you can overcome anything that comes and tries to stand in your way through the power of LOVE. With faith and love for family friends and most importantly our God of love that created you knows you and loves you just as you are. FEAR NOT BE STILL AND KNOW>>> A Force field of impenetrable goodness surrounds you and you are wrapped in His arms of unconditional love continuously. Our God is for you is on your side and sees your full potential and is longing for you to only dare to BELIEVE. Believe in His love believe in the goodness in others as well as yourself. Just remember that God is on your side there is nothing that can stop you from living life today. Dare to not drown out the world for a virtual one and dare to help create the wonder of a real life connected to all living life, feel and learn from everyone and everything that happens in our daily lives. A cell that multiplies into a plague of depression isolation and arrogant tyrants of a life well over the edge of indulgence of entitlement. Instead of being apart of and becoming a blessing to others or themselves is the saddest expression of a life that has known understanding that they matter that everyone does. Every living being matters to or God and he sent His only begotten son to die for us all. John3:16 Our loving God is the core microorganism within each of us we were created in His loving image. Please try to remember when the current of life circumstances tries to pull you under that our God of love and endless mercy he has an amazing plan of goodness for all of our lives. He alone is our greatest mentor our teacher our Heavenly Father our off the hook forever friend. God alone knows each of His children so intricately that the broken hearted can be healed the lame walk and the blind see both figuratively as well as literally. Balance is everything one can be so spiritually fit that they are no earthly good. One can also be so hell bent on denying that God exists that if the Good Lord was standing in front of that person they would not even have a clue as to His divine presence. God shows up in each of our lives every single day his expressions of beauty and music are unending. All art is God in motion through His beloved family. When each of us decides that our most important relationship is first our relationship with our loving creator then the tide is ready to change for the better for us all.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 18:05:28 +0000

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