Midas, 20likes. 1. Any scars?yea. 2. Crush? No one. 3. Kissed - TopicsExpress


Midas, 20likes. 1. Any scars?yea. 2. Crush? No one. 3. Kissed anyone? Yup. 4. Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi. 5. Someone you hate? No one 6. Best friend(s)? Monty , Aden, Summerlilly , & Damian 7. Dream job!? Photographer. 8. Ever been in love? Mhm. 9. Last time you cried? Uhm lastnight. 10. Favourite colour? Yellow 11. Height? 53 & a half. Lol 12. Birthday? March 19th 13. Eye colour? Dark brown. 14. Hair colour?dark brown 15. What do you love? Ice cream 16. Obsession? Food. 17. If you had one wish, what would it be? Uhm, dunno. 18. Do you love someone? Mhm. 19. Kiss or hug? Hug. 20. Nicknames people call you? Leesha, felica, midget. 21. Favourite song? Dont got one. 22. Favourite band? Ptv. 23. Worst thing that ever happend to ever happen to you? Uhm, that one day. 24. Best thing that ever happened to you? 04.22.14 25. Something you would change about yourself? Errthang. 26. Ever dated someone? Yup. 27. Worst mistake? Alot. 28. Watch a movie or read a book? Movie. 29. Ever had a heartbreak? Nope. 30. Favourite TV show? Sam&cat lol. 31. Best day of your life? 04.22.14 32. Special talents? None. 33. Do you ever wish you could start over? Yup. 35. Ever had a near death experience?yup. 36. Someone I can tell everything to? Damian&aden. 37. Ever lost a loved one? Yes. 38. Do you believe in love? Yes 39. Someone you miss? Uhm, alot of people 40. Am I okay? Yup. 41. Someone I want to hug right now? Him. 42. Any sister or brother(s)? Yes 43. Lefty or righty? Lefty 44. Favourite animal? Cat&horse 45. Favourite place? My room 46. Guy best friend? Monty, damian,& aden 47. Old friend I want to talk to again?dunno.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 07:10:06 +0000

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