Middle East - Turkey: Cemetery irredentism ... The policy of - TopicsExpress


Middle East - Turkey: Cemetery irredentism ... The policy of new ottoman irredentism brought by the Erdogan government in the Middle East from 2010 onwards, it could well be described as a disaster for Turkey. It relied on the false belief of the Turkish government that Turkey was now strong enough to grasp the internal problems of its neighbors (Iraq, Syria, Egypt), to earn points geopolitical power, always highlighting the false face of democracy, although Islamic country. Animated in this context, Turkey was involved in the Arab Spring, which attempted to move in Syria, figuring that the Assad regime will manage to survive. This was her big mistake, not because of actual military and diplomatic power of the Assad regime, but why could not understand that no one wanted to get involved in a conflict over Syria. Turkey disregarded important factor Israel. The huge challenge (and overturn decades of policy ...) committed against him in 2010 with the mission of the flotilla to Gaza and subsequent events (Mavi Marmara), could not leave unmoved Tel Aviv. This was perhaps not so in Syria, but in Egypt, where supported by the Turks tenons regime collapsed in no time, a trend that favored - and certainly promoted properly - both the Israelis and the Egyptian army . In Syria, Turkey has committed yet another blunder. attempted to lure the West into a new military engagement, which, in a given time, not serve anyone. The error is not exploited and Russia, featured in control of things in area, literally from the ground up, reading excellent American intentions. In Iraq Ankara also supporting the wrong horse, managed to have another rival in the person of the President of Iraq Nouri al-Maliki. Backing off Sunni country (the power base of Saddam Hussein, not to forget) managed to lose any sympathy won the Shiite government of Iraq elite and cause significant problems in its relationship with Tehran. Especially when Erdogan offered shelter to fugitive Sunni vice president of Iraq al Asmisi, the Iraqi government did not hesitate to declare off enemy state . All of the above could not, even by the most bona fide observer, be regarded as having no connection with the ongoing crises now facing the Erdogan government and within the country, the demonstrations for the trees of the park, until corruption scandals, and primarily with the war on the pound! Erdogan, who was promoted dynamic prime minister of Turkey, with a mission to raise the standard of Islamist democrat, proved very stupid and unable to understand that Turkey only in his own dreams and those of the foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, is great power able to defy the international status quo at will, engaging in their own designs really big forces at global and regional level. Erdogan, following the erroneous perspective, regarding the true power of his country, continued and continues to provoke and seeking enemies, sending often-dense and no frigate Sounion, to admire the temple of Poseidon and a few degrees of violating the Greek airspace, especially over Agathonisi and Pharmakonisi - north Imia - the coast of which (random happened in recent embarrassing incident for the loss of 12 lives and which in Greece anencephalic still assert, with every possible way, defending, they believe human rights. Turkey today is experiencing its greatest crisis, perhaps not so much inside, but mainly abroad, being largely isolated internationally. This is a great opportunity for Greece to neutralize the Turkish expansionist policy, moving with the help and support of its allies, to create conditions exceeding the economic crisis ...
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 04:52:26 +0000

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