Midnight thoughts ....... we are so quick to cut away prices of - TopicsExpress


Midnight thoughts ....... we are so quick to cut away prices of ourself to suit a particular relationship, a job, circle of friends, family. continuously editing who we are until we feel like we can fit in and be accepted, but in the end you become something else, an empty shadow of who you set out to be, something moulded like putty, a label on a box, that sits with the other boxes on the shelf of life. And there for how ever long the time you are given, you gather dust, decaying, always asking what if consumed by your own self doubts............? And there are some who manage to free themselves from the shackles that society has put on them, they create there own destiny, shaping other peoples lifes by simply being what they were born to be .... themselves. They will be shunned, called freaks, oddities that do not fit in the pre-planned rota of life, but these, the out casts, the dreamers the visionaries the WIERDOS ........these people are the ones you want to have on your side, because in the end, when the dust has settled and all the little boxes are stacked one after the other it will be those who from the rubble of doubts from the whispering sniggers and confusion who will hold the key And so to the geeks and freaks to the ones deemed strange because they see things different, to the ones who speak up when no one else will for what is right, to the ones who when told something is one way and it can not be changed, turn it on its head and show the world there is many more sides to the story nothing is impossible when you imagine it, I high five you all. Its not easy to be the one with your back to the crowd, but its Better to be a nerd than one of the herd, better to be the miss understood freak than one just one of the sheep, NEVER FORGET that @=)
Posted on: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 23:09:23 +0000

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