Might have sent this before. Here she goes anyhow. Re: To - TopicsExpress


Might have sent this before. Here she goes anyhow. Re: To Undisclosed recipient. # 4 to 7. ( Not te time.) Hope I got this one right. # 4. *********************** Back to the coalmine. Now, where were we. ************************** Stop wandering off the subject and you wouldn’t get lost all the time. I am not going to tell you. You are on your own. Is that the best you can do? One hour later. Well hello: Is that the best you can do? Just remembered where I left off. It was, how to lead the majority to a better and a safer future. As long as you have a good line. Bedazzle them with promises. This one has worked time, time after time. FREE BEER TOMORROW! Here is another one that the public has swallowed.: CHANGE-CHANGE-CHANGE! And it is not even a lie. For after a while, that will be all that will be left in their pockets. Change! Lets face it, people want to be led by someone who they think is stronger and smarter then they are, which leads to, might is right. === Is that why I gave them a choice? Me: How am I to know? Maybe it has something to do with conditioning? After all, most of humanity is raised with the believe that whenever one does something that does not conform with the policies and of the powers that are in office will either be judged by whoever wields this power, and in the end will have to account to a higher court of which you have the last word since you are the supreme power, so I was told since childhood on. === Humbug! Whoever fed you this garbage? The only power I possess is the one that the human race has invested in me and very cleverly manipulated by some of the people who claim that they are an extension of my indulgence which allows them to rule at will, and gives them immunity to do whatever their mind can dream up. Me: #. 5 A lot of evil has been perpetrated in your name. *********************** Enough of this. How many times do you want to go down that same road? Why is it that you keep harping on that same subject? Give it a rest. I have given up on it a long time ago, ever since the first person extinguished another person’s life in my name. Me: Therefore, you do exist. === Got yea. Me: I really fell into that trap did I not? === Yes you sure did. Now let us change the subject. Me: How about the evil that lurks within men? Why ask me? Everyone knows that I am not capable of any evildoings, even to think that, is to be considered a mortal sin. Me: My oh my. Never thought about it that way. Is it true that you have seen everything there is to see, done everything there is to do and you still keep on going? === They should have named me “Timex.” I can take a licking and I keep on ticking. Me: So you think you are funny. === If I had no sense of humor, I would have died a long time ago. Me: Fables do not die? === No, they just grow way out of proportion and humanity swallows every word, and embellish it by putting on their own twist. Is that why the so called Good Book Got so fat. Cant blame that on MacDonald. #. 6. Where did you collect this information? Look at the Greek mythology; more gods have bit the dust than there had been created. Me: That does not make sense. === Neither did all those gods, past and present, and those to come. Have you ever noticed, how the human race has treated all that what Mother nature has given to this world? All those riches in the ground, Coal, Gold, Silver, Iron, Diamond and all other riches. Then man came and raped the land and left devastation. Take mining, as soon as a place was mined out, men discarded the place and left it looking like the moonscape. Trees and vegetation gone. It became a cesspool made by man that will take generations to recover and will never be the same. ******************************* Did you know that the deserts of this world where ones covert with trees? Some of them were jungles. === You don’t say. Me? You should know, after all you were witness to it all. === Who told you that? Me: Everyone knows that. === For your information, I only exist by the grace of man. Me: Have it your way. I am not going to argue that part of philosophical hogwash. === Hogwash it might be, but doesnt’t it bother you that billions of people belief that I exist, that puts you definitely in the minority. So it does, so it does. Thatis makes me a member of the majority of one. ************************** #. 7. That brings back my memory of how Adolf Hitler rose out of almost nowhere, became the leader of the National Socialistic Party, and it was not long before Europe was thrown into the hands of a madman, few people expected to experience. The thought of having to live within a socialistic regime abhors me. But that is where we are heading for. *********************** Hear is some more? Me: Will it take long? You going anywhere? No. ****************************** Does it not feel as if you have been there before? What is to days date? Did you vote? Does remember this of something? Since you mention it, it does. If you will long enough, 48 month, will you tell me? What makes you think I will still be around? If it is not you, we will invent another one just like you, only better. ************************* What’s next? How do you spent your time? To answer your question, if I have seen or heard anything new? Let me put it this way. If you want to write it down and mind you, this is just of what goes on in one day you would run out of paper, need to sit at the typewriter for over a year continuously, and that would only cover the first six hours of that day. You are pulling my leg. === I am not in the leg pulling business. I might take an arm first, then a leg, break a neck occasionally, when I get annoyed at the human race. Me: One at a time? I leave the mass slaughter to you mortals, since you have proven to excel at it beyond anyone’s wildest dreams, until Mother Nature decides that enough is enough. You see, nature is fickle; it plays around but eventually she lets you know who is boss, and guides you back onto the right track. Be talking, be sending till you say, thats enough already ! ****************************************************************************************************************************************** -----Original Message----- From: henryh To: henryh12345 Sent: Thu, Nov 8, 2012 2:44 pm Subject: To Undisclosed recipient. Have to get better organized. Will try. Hate to bombard you with the same stuff. Trying for another interview. #.3 Wonder if they will take my call 463-462-556-387. Is this the Heavenly Telephone Exchange? Who is calling. The masters pet. Connect me, wonder who that could be? Hello. still mad at me? So sorry to have angered you, even though I have no idea of what I did. Sneaky little stunt you just pulled on me Masters pet! Shakespeare. On second thought it was kind of funny. Where do you want to start? Me: Trying to figure out of where that herd instinct comes from? There is a rather simple explanation, Safety by the numbers. That goes back So many years that it almost self explanatory. Take hunting! I am pretty sure that wild dogs, wolfs, Lions . And man animal had trouble bringing down bigger and faster species of the animal world, when hunting using the relay mode Certain things haven’t changed since the time man figured out that there is safety in numbers. That must have been the time when the alpha dog claimed his position by being the smartest, the strongest and the most cunning one, in order to take on the leadership of the bunch. The kicker of it all is, that nothing has changed since recorded history. ************************ I try to learn something every day. *********************** Are you aware of the fact that Alpha Centauri is the nearest brightest star to Earth? The brightest star in the constellation Centauri and the nearest bright star to Earth. It is a double star and is approximately 4.3 light years away. A light year is the distance that light can travel in a year, or 5,865,696,000,000 miles (9,460,800,000,000 kilometers). ************************ Where the hell did this come from?
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 20:56:54 +0000

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