Mike Ghouse, I love what youve written and Im reposting it. Thank - TopicsExpress


Mike Ghouse, I love what youve written and Im reposting it. Thank you, sir, for expressing so eloquently what I feel about President Obama. I get so tired of shallow Americans who tell me, McSwain, I like the stuff you write about when it comes to spirituality but I wish youd leave your politics out of it. Really? Thats what its come down to now? Then, youre not going to like what Im posting here. And, if youre not a fan of our president, youre really not going to like it. Well, I am a fan of Obama. No, Im not pleased with everything hes done and no I dont always vote Democrat. I voted for Bush. I wouldnt today and, had I known what kind of president he would be, I wouldnt have voted as I did. But I voted Republican that time and I may again sometime in the future. But, as our current president winds down his two terms, I can say and I say it with pride, hell be remembered as one of the greatest presidents in our history. I could be wrong but Ive had this feeling for a long time that many people in this country just cant stomach the fact that our president is black. Well, if this is true, all I can say is we white folk better get used to it. It may be the first time a black has held the highest office in this land. But it wont likely be the last time. In fact, with the changing landscape of the white population in this country, most of you reading this wont die before you see the day come when 1 in 3 people you pass on the street will be of Hispanic origin. In just about 30 years or less, whites will be a minority in the US. So, if you white folk, like I am a white folk, want Hispanics and blacks and others who are commonly discriminated against today to treat your grandchildren with kindness, Id say the better part of wisdom would be to practice now the words of Jesus, Do unto others as you would have them... Instead of building walls to keep spanish-speaking folks from coming to America, my advice is that we set up lemonade stands and welcome them with open arms. Just sayin. Now, what I know is that some people hide their prejudice toward Obama behind such silly things like as his citizenship and mindless conspiracy theories that late night radio hosts rattle on about like drunkin nitwits for the entertainment of those who stay up all hours of the night. But thats all bunk and any thinking person knows it is. So, just read Mike Ghouse comments here with an open mind. With him, I salute this president and I do so with my cup of Starbucks in hand. Ill give you one example and one observation I find amazing: Here in Kentucky, the very state where Obamacare has helped and is helping perhaps more people than almost any other state have health insurance, many of these same people seem not to realize it is Obama who has made that possible. I have to laugh to just keep from crying. I read, for example, the comments of a Kentuckian who was at the state fair recently when a reporter from the NY Times stopped her and had an interview. She agreed that the changes in healthcare had made it possible for her and her daughter to get insurance for the first time. Her daughter had an illness and big insurance companies had repeatedly rejected them hands down because of her preconditions. When asked, however, What do you think about Obamacare? Oh, she said emphatically, Im opposed to that. We dont need that. I had to read it twice to make sure I read her comments correctly. Its like the other Kentuckian I heard recently who said, Im voting for Mitch again because I dont want that Lundergan girl to vote for some government takeover of Medicaid. I dont want the government messing with my Medicaid! What? What is it with people? Where do they think it comes from? Oh, well, I just thought Ghouse comments here were worth reposting. You dont have to agree. But, for me, I am grateful for the president we have and the attempts he has made to bring our world a little closer to peace.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 15:49:05 +0000

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