Mike Huckabee Today, another coming attraction that gives away the - TopicsExpress


Mike Huckabee Today, another coming attraction that gives away the whole story…For the past few weeks, Americans have been petitioning Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sibelius to allow 10-year-old Sarah Murnaghan of Philadelphia to have a lung transplant. Sarah has cystic fibrosis and might soon die without it. Federal law bars lung transplants to patients under 12, but it’s an arbitrary limit based on medical risks that no longer exist. Nevertheless, Sibelius refused the transplant. Sarah’s mother denounced Ms Sibelius as a “one-woman death panel.” The family turned to a federal judge, who overruled the HHS Secretary and ordered her to allow the lung transplant. And that is today’s terrifying preview of Obamacare. I’m talking about medical care to save a little girl’s life, but who’s making the decisions? Not her or her parents or her doctors…but an unelected bureaucrat, a federal judge and an outdated rule book. If this is a preview of our health care future, we still have time to stop it. Instead, we just keep mowing down warning signs as we speed ever closer to the cliff.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 20:57:53 +0000

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