Mike Lee, Ted Cruz For months, Senator John McCain has been - TopicsExpress


Mike Lee, Ted Cruz For months, Senator John McCain has been denouncing the efforts of principled Tea Party lawmakers who were doing everything in their power to stop Obamacare. Now, the “maverick” of the Republican Party,who so quickly slammed Tea Party lawmakers for their efforts to stop Obamacare, has reversed course and is calling for a “total repeal” of Obamacare. Meanwhile, as Sen. McCain slowly warms to the conclusion that has remained obvious to all conservatives for years, those who have been voicing their strong opposition to Obamacare, Tea Party leaders like Sens. Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, appear as prophets compared to moderate Republicans who chose to ignore the dire realities of Obamacare’s implementation and what it would mean for Americans. Fair-weather Republicans have voiced their contempt for the Tea Party’s vehement and persistent efforts to stop Obamacare in its tracks. RINO Republicans busily waved the white flag in the earliest days of Tea Party efforts to defund Obamacare. As the government shutdown occurred, moderate turncoats like Sens. Lindsey Graham and John McCain joined the Democrats and the rest of the big-government crowd in pretending like a government slimdown was the worst thing that could happen to Americans. On Wednesday, John McCain appeared as a Johnny-come-lately when he spoke with Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren and stated, “The solution is, first of all, to let people keep their insurance if they want to,” he said. “Or at least reinstate them.” He continued: “Second of all, let the insurance companies give a menu of whatever they want to provide. Third of all, medical savings account. Fourth of all, medical malpractice reform. Let people go across state lines to, in order to, if they can get a better insurance policy in another state. And remove this whole tax incentive for employers to provide employees health insurance.” “That is repeal,” Van Susteren noted “That’s exactly right,” McCain replied. “That is total repeal in every other way. Because what Obamacare is, is an experiment in social engineering — in other words, making healthy people pay more…in order to subsidize the health care for people that are older and unhealthy. That is the ultimate in social engineering.” After months of boldly lobbing jabs at principled conservatives from the safety of the Democrats’ corner, McCain has now come to the conclusion that others came to years ago. That’s not exactly inspired leadership. McCain has pulled no punches in discussing his disdain for conservatives who continue to fight against the law. Discussing the October partial government shutdown at a forum in Washington this month, McCain lashed out at those who participated in the Tea Party-led fight to defund Obamacare and said, “I have to say, ‘Stop! You’re wrong, you’re crazy!’” McCain and other RINOs pretend as if Obamacare’s slow-motion implosion is a shock, but think tanks, studies and their conservative colleagues have been warning them and the rest of America for years that the healthcare overhaul will not only be shaky, but drastically unsustainable. Democrats are in full-blown panic mode as even the liberalist of the liberal mainstream media outlets are condemning Obamacare and questioning if Democrats can bounce back from this debacle in time for the 2014 elections. Vulnerable Democrats are breaking ranks and jumping ship and RINOs like McCain ought to be worried about their credibility after so conspicuously bashing the Tea Party for holding strong against Obamacare. McCain and others are late to the party and Tea Party leaders who have weathered the barrage of insults and slanders for their principled stances should not feel obliged to let these turncoats off the hook easily. Republicans had a chance to pull together and work towards stopping this mess and those who spoke plainly about the obvious problems of Obamacare were silenced and called obstructionists. At the risk of sounding sophomoric, the lasting message that Tea Party leaders should instill upon their cut-and-run colleagues is, “We told you so.” As Senator Cruz and others have stood on principle and been called every name in the book- even by their fellow supposed Republicans- it is important to remember that that is what leaders do; standing on principle may not produce results immediately, but sounding the alarm and making the point heard loud and clear is important and indicative of a true leader. Though Democrats and their RINO co-conspirators had much to say about the partial government shutdown, the fact remains that any negative effects the shutdown had on the American people is but a distant memory; Obamacare, however, is continuing to have devastating consequences on America and Democrats and RINOs are running for cover from the political fallout while Tea Party lawmakers can sit comfortably knowing that they were right all along.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 05:24:12 +0000

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