Mike and I saw the movie Inside Llewyn Davis after renting it at - TopicsExpress


Mike and I saw the movie Inside Llewyn Davis after renting it at the redbox, and really enjoyed watching the struggles of this New York folksinger in the early sixties, just before Bob Dylan made the scene world famous. Oscar Isaac, a Guatemalan-Cuban American actor, plays Llewyn Davis, who didnt have a penny to his name, and lived off the mercy of a few friends, who let him sleep on their couch. This story, based on real life people and places, is very touching to watch. Llewyn Davis is a character we feel sympathy for, because he didnt even have any money to buy drinks, and according to the movie didnt get high either, like some other characters around him. Mike said the cat is his favorite character in the movie, which makes us feel an ache of neediness for this character. The Coen brothers were inspired by a memoir written by a folksinger named Dave Van Ronk, who passed away in 2002. We know that for every Bob Dylan, who makes it, there are a hundred struggling musicians, living on the fringe of the scene. Peter, Paul, and Mary came from that scene, and were lucky enough to sell albums, and be famous. Isaacs performance is worth a watch, because he makes us feel like we are reading a great novel, only partially fictional, about a person with talent, who never seems to do as well as others. Maybe its badluck, maybe its neediness, but we still cared for him. The soundtrack featuring Justin Timberlake singing a couple of folk songs, and Oscar Isaac singing traditional folksongs with a very good voice, is also worth a listen. Mike and I enjoyed the cameos by John Goodman, and Carey Mulligans character. At any given point in American, somes guitarist is applying for Social Security income, because of some mental disability, who deserves some kind of shelter, or housing as well. Heres an interesting article about the real people and places this movie was based on: slate/blogs/browbeat/2013/12/02/llewyn_davis_real_person_true_story_behind_coen_brothers_movie_with_oscar.html
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 18:14:27 +0000

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