Milas Story Three years ago today I was waiting to give birth to - TopicsExpress


Milas Story Three years ago today I was waiting to give birth to my sweet Mila. I went through 14 hours of labor before we were rushed back for an emergency C- section. It was one of the scariest moments of my life, and I remember when we lost her heart rate and thought she was a goner. I prayed so hard that God would let this baby stay with me as they rushed me back and put me under. My last thoughts were spare her and take me if you have to. Shortly after I awoke from surgery and Joe rushed in to tell me the news and show me her photos. My heart was so full of joy that my baby was ok. The next day we found out about her heart condition and diagnosis of down syndrome. I cried thinking about the trials and hardships we would face, but I knew God had a plan for us and this baby was sent to me for a reason. She then had to have surgery for her g tube at 3 weeks old and was in the NICU for almost 2 months. After that we waited until she turned 6 months old for open heart surgery. That was the scariest and hardest day of my life, but God was there and sent me a message. After they took Mila back I thought I would never see her again. She was very high risk going into surgery. So as Im walking back to surgery waiting I was crying really hard and having a panic attack, and I just wasnt holding it together. Out of nowhere a crowd of nurses in pink scrubs are walking by and everyone is just staring at the lady having a meltdown as they pass by, but one person cut through the crowd and grabbed me. She was a grown woman with down syndrome and big brown eyes like Mila. She looked me in the eyes and said that everything was going to be ok and not to worry. In that moment I felt Gods peace and accepted the message. A few hours later Mila made it through surgery beautifully and we began our road to recovery. She did well heart wise afterwards, but her weak immune system just would not let her stay healthy. We were in and out of the hospital all of the time almost everyone month. We sought out a church a little more than a year after her surgery and fell in love. Shortly after we began attending church we got some hard hitting news that Mila was going to need a second surgery on her heart before summer let out. I was devastated once again, but better prepared emotionally thanks to our church support. Our church raised money through a bar church and donated it to Mila in our time of need. These people gave with all of their hearts and I promised when we returned that we would begin helping the church more. So we got to Vanderbilt for a cath the day before surgery. I was nervous, but a serene feeling of peace took over. I told my mother too that I still believed in miracles and had been praying for one. Her response was that the miracle would be to just get the repair on her mitral valve instead of a replacement. She was just being mommy and realistic, but I had this crazy feeling that something even bigger was going to happen. So the DR calls us in the family room to give us the news, and he bursts through the door in the highest of spirits. He said What is the best news I could possibly give you? I told him that it would be the best news ever if the baby were not needing surgery and we could go home. He then repeated my own words back to me and told me that we were going home the next day. At that moment the realization that God heard my plea brought me too my knees. I bowed down to thank God for his miracle and was filled with boundless joy and energy as I cried tears of joy. So then we were in Vanderbilt with this money our church had raised for us and when we looked around all we saw were others facing the pain we were spared. We talked to the church and hospital and found a family in severe need and were able to give them the rest of the money. These people did not even have food to eat and were on their 3 month old babys 3rd open heart surgery. We gave everything we had and shared our story as to why we had to pass the money on. It was a prayer answered on their part as well. It was one of the greatest days of my life. So we got back home and were doing good for a few months, I started losing weight and helping greet at church and things were ok, but Mila kept getting sick. It is really hard seeing your baby sick all the time and not being able to do anything but load up the meds. So I prayed for God to send me a way for us to get unstuck financially and help Mila to not be so sick. So right after saying this very prayer during church, a lady walked up to me and invited me to check out her business. I literally had just finished praying to be tapped on the shoulder by someone I didnt really know all that well. A few days later though Mila ended up very sick in the hospital with RSV and was even developing pneumonia. The same lady from church showed up at the hospital with some nutrition. I looked it up and decided to give it a try since it wouldnt hurt her and we had tried everything else. So we did. Time started to pass and she started growing better, then we started weaning her off of her meds, after that time continued to pass, and now here we are 8 months later on no meds and with no illnesses since and on top of that I have lost a whopping 90 lbs. The best part is her heart has continued to stay strong and we do not have to see the Cardiologist for a whole year. I believe that God answered my prayer again. Do NOT underestimate the power of prayer. God is everywhere, even inside of you. I could never be angry at God for my struggles because they have molded me into the person I always dreamed of being and made me whole. My miracle baby is a prayer answered and a gift from God. I believe she is going to change peoples lives forever as she has mine. My sweet Mila born 7/11/11 is not a baby anymore! We have made it through some really tough times and it has only brought us closer! Mommy loves you with all of her heart and nothing will ever change that. I pray now that you continue to grow and share that pure love God has filled your innocent soul with! It is ok to share Milas story if you think you could affect someone. Please do not hesitate to ask. We will share our story to the ends of the earth if it can bring people to understand Gods peace the way that we have. Happy birthday my sweet angel from heaven!
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 13:21:19 +0000

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