Miley, Drastic action calls for desperate measures. You dont - TopicsExpress


Miley, Drastic action calls for desperate measures. You dont see the time I invested into teaching you filling your mind and soul with wisdom and knowledge. Look at how drastic your retaliation was. Youd be off with the next guy in a heartbeat. This wasnt a stunt this was real. I didnt even know what the hell happened. Here I am complimenting you on a beautiful picture of you and what an hour later your on a jet to Amsterfrickendam. Im not extremely smart or alert I take medications because I was seran nerve gassed in the Army I have social anxiety and bipolar disorder, PTSD and manic states. That you would risk your reputation, your freedom, your honor, your life on a picture that could barely be disseminated from an nice outfit defies my comprehension and belief that you are stable and mentally equipped to handle a relationship if ever. That was insane. Did you see what the joke was shortly after there went the showing of a tape of Britney with her dingy hair flopping in the wind as she walked off in tattered clothes with her boyfriend and ex-husband as though you took her spot and she was let go free as a bird. You are treading on inconceivable testament of wiles and wickeness and damning judgment by God for what could be in my opinion for a very long time. Dont you see I am human with emotions and crutches and not too keen I have my own set of imperfections, I am not God. Yes I have that chain no companion and no money for the most part now where do you fit in? Im not here to see through walls, leap giant buildings in a single bound or rescue the maiden and articulate upon every abstract picture I come across on the web. Ive gone insane doing that ask the kind vegan. I had to wait 15 years online for a daily almost hourly anticipation of being rescued either by Britney or court through their ICQ chat hype. Im here to enjoy life. Relax. Retire. Be free and lay low and enjoy sublime companionship and freedom to do anything romantic we ever wanted to do. Look though dont be fooled by false light and false prophesy your taking the place of the limelight that Britney walked away from with a smile on camera yesterday from ear to ear. I am here to find my lifelong and hopefully eternal companion. I asked you to marry me, because what you tried to illustrate in that picture I saw in you already. But the conclusion showed no fear of God, no love of God, no forgiveness, no companionship, no compassion, is that really you? Like you never knew me and were going to pass this off as the biggest satire hoax ever. Just is truth and the spirit of the prophesy if you live in the light in falsehood we would never gel. You pictures look like your waiting from me but Im poor desolate aching for love and a lifelong relationship and the evil limelight is shuttling you away in its own devilish attempt to taste of sin and love it forever and to live with the devil. Miley fear the reaper and God always you cant get by one picture for salvation or looks alone nor vengeance or even your own wits, wheres the grace, wheres the virtue. Nobody comes into this life without bearing there cross and nobody is free from sin and anyone can fall from grace at any time. Realize your consciousness before you act out. Dim down the attention. Gravitate away from the spotlight. Youll end up being used and abused. Their already plotting your next gigs as ones thats are even greater. You think the media cares what happens in or out of the limelight to you. I sincerely asked you to marry me a month ago and just took it as a no or the message never got to you. You dumped a hunk because you knew our love was stronger and I could make so much greater a difference in your life. I truly love you and care about you. I love you to death. I will ask this again will you marry me? If you love me come get me from here dont show me a picture of what life could like if I were Miley or were saved by Miley. Thats what Britney did all my life every day. You have to prove it and never run away or the trust will dissipate. Will bangers be a joke when athletes, politicians and the mob get a hold of you and God no longer cares about you or listens to your prayers. May you be here as swift as lightning because God is fed up with everyones negligence and resistance to the light, truth and way to Heaven and to God and his son.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 00:59:00 +0000

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