Militants’ media front MILITANCY poses a serious threat to the - TopicsExpress


Militants’ media front MILITANCY poses a serious threat to the security and stability of Pakistan. While the government and various state institutions are trying to respond in their own way and according to their own capacity, persistent ideological, political and operational ambiguities about the nature and level of militancy not only compound the problem but also add to its intensity. One critical aspect of this threat, which is largely ignored by the Pakistani state and society, is the militants’ media that is thriving right under the nose of the law enforcement agencies in Pakistan. A wide range of radical and militants’ publications are easily available at news stalls across the country. The militants also use other means of communications, especially the internet, FM radios, CDs and DVDs to reach a wider audience......, First, they can attempt to penetrate the mainstream media by ‘planting’ likeminded individuals in media houses in order to deliver their ideological, intellectual and political messages to the public. The Jamaat-i-Islami — though in mainstream politics — followed this strategy during the 1960s and 1970s. Second, they could try to develop an alternative media platform of their own. However, both strategies have one goal in common: to influence public opinion and also the mainstream media. The militants are following in the JI’s footsteps and targeting future generations........,,
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 06:01:06 +0000

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