Military Chaplains CANNOT SPEAK THE NAME OF JESUS! (Read: for - TopicsExpress


Military Chaplains CANNOT SPEAK THE NAME OF JESUS! (Read: for this is what Jesus spoke of .... the trying of the Saints of God) Just when you thought youd seen it all, according to our buddy Todd Starnes at Fox News Radio, VA chaplains cant pray in the name of Jesus. Yep. Theyve been banned from doing so. Its not politically correct, dontchaknow. They also cant quote the Bible, because BAD chaplains. BAD. Lt. Commander Dan Klender, a Navy chaplain and Maj. Steven Firtko, a retired Army chaplain, had enrolled in the VA’s Clinical Pastoral Education Center program in San Diego last year, and after objecting to these bans - after actually praying in the name of Jesus - they were subjected to ridicule and harassment that led to one of the chaplains leaving the program and the other being ejected, according to a federal lawsuit filed Friday. The Conservative Baptist Association of America is suing Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki – alleging two of their chaplains were openly ridiculed by the leader of San Diego-based VA-DOD Clinical Pastoral Education Center program. “Not only was the treatment these men received inappropriate, it was also a violation of federal law and the religious freedom guarantees of the First Amendment,” said John Wells, an attorney representing the Colorado-based denomination. “No American choosing to serve in the armed forces should be openly ridiculed for his Christian faith,” he said, calling it one of the most blatant cases of religious discrimination he’s ever seen. The head beeyotch in charge - a chick named Nancy Dietsch - apparently had a history of antagonistic behavior towards evangelicals and is very, very critical of Christians, which is really bizarre, considering that shes LEADING A PROGRAM OF CHAPLAINS. Traditionally, a chaplain is a person connected to a religious faith (if you dont believe me, you can Google that crap), but Dietsch prefers a liberal, holistic, humanistic approach, believing that spirit comes from within. And I guess that holistic spirit includes demonizing Christians that choose to work for her. Awesome. Among the allegations listed in the lawsuit: 1. Dietsch told the chaplains that it was the policy of the VA in general and her in particular that chaplains should not pray in the name of Jesus. 2. During a classroom discussion on faith, Firtko said “faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Dietsch told the chaplain he was not allowed to quote from the Bible in her classroom. 3. In October 2012, Dietsch told the class she believes God could be either man or woman. When Firtko referred to “The Lord’s Prayer,” she “angrily pounded her fist on the table and shouted, ‘Do not quote Scripture in this class.’” 4. In the aftermath of the Sandy Hook school shooting, Klender mentioned during a group discussion on counseling that he would tell a parent that “there is evil in the world.” Dietsch retorted, “You don’t actually believe that do you?” 5. In January 2013, she told the chaplains “there is no room in the program for those who believe they are right and everybody else is wrong.” 6. Later that month she told students that there are many ways to heaven and that one religion cannot be right, while others are wrong. Firtko objected to that statement by quoting Jesus who said “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me.” Dietsch told him to stop quote from the Bible and then stated, “If you believe your beliefs are right, and everyone else’s is wrong, you do not belong in this program.” The bottom line? Christians are being forced out - its not a welcoming place for Christians to practice as clergy in the military. Whieh I assume is how liberals want it. Welcome to the New Liberal World Order, folks... Where Jesus is a bad word.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 17:55:39 +0000

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