Military veteran Ken OKeefe nails it to a pro-war neoconservative - TopicsExpress


Military veteran Ken OKeefe nails it to a pro-war neoconservative think tanker. Paraphrasing: The US calls Syrias Assad dangerous, but the U.S. is not a shining example of good in this world. The U.S. killed upwards of 2 million people in Iraq and never apologized for it. The U.S. never apologized for Vietnam. The United States is one of the biggest terrorist organizations. The U.S. is arming Al Nusra, a branch of Al Qaeda, in Syria. Al Qaeda has been part of the CIA for decades. The U.S. supports Saudi Arabia, who behead people and chop off hands on a daily basis. Invading Syria will lead to World War 3. That notion is not a joke. These chickenhawks in Washington will send our sons & daughters to die for these wars that benefit only bankers & military contractors, but would never themselves nor their family members go to the front lines of war. I challenge the guest here from Washington, DC, to send his children to the war he wants to create in Syria. I pray for the true patriots in the military who take an oath to uphold the Constitution to ignore orders to engage in another unjust war.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 19:48:58 +0000

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