Mills Jones, A humanitarian or a politician? From Whence I See - TopicsExpress


Mills Jones, A humanitarian or a politician? From Whence I See It: By Jallah E. Grayfield, III “The decision against Dr. Jones is not right, the intent is to stop Dr. Jones for their own selfish motive, the man is a humanitarian, for them, they don’t care, they take all the big money eat it and forget about us the poor people.” Old man Emmanuel Wilson intoned at the Temple of justice when the Supreme Court threw out a petition by a civil society organization that questioned the lawmakers for amending the CBL 1999 law. The Liberian senate, weeks ago amended the CBL 1999 act which amongst other things prevents the Central Bank Governor and his Board of governors form contesting elected positions in the country, the Lower House concurred with the House of Elders on the matter and passed on it. The bill is awaiting a presidential approval. If Her Excellency, Madam Sirleaf signatures it, then it becomes law once it is printed into handbill, if she vetoes it, it is send back to the lawmakers and then after twenty-one days of no action it becomes a full flesh law. The Supreme Court, the highest decision making Body in the country threw out the Civil Society Organizations petition through the windows, because the body said it was premature, premature in a little man sense, that the Bill had not reached it final stage before being challenged as the eager CSO group did. But as the bill remains on the president’s desk for signature these are many questions that continue to linger on the minds of political pundits and Liberians of right minds; why the lawmakers hurriedly passed such a law, which many see as targeting Dr. Jones when there are many laws including the code of conduct and the decent work bill that were and are still languishing in the corridors of the Capitol Building, on whose behalf did they pass such a law, is Speaker Tyler eyeing the presidency in 2017, so is Finely too? The questions are many, but on the other side of the coin, one may also ask as to why the CBL governor was getting so political in his duties to the Liberian people, is this the reason why he is being sanctioned, is he an humanitarian or a new politician who now comes under the disguise of a political messiah to save the soul of the hungry and deprived people, or another “John the Baptizer” whose songs will soon end after the political field gets crowdy, like King Herold silencing John by the sword?. For me I have not personally heard the CBL Chief speak of his quest to contest the Liberian Presidency like the Businessman turned Politician Benoni Urey, but his move now raises eyes brows like a blind man first sight at the scorching sun . Dr. Jones has in recent past been heavily involved in given loans to Liberians after news emerged that he was eyeing the presidency. At some of these loans presentation, gowning ceremony takes place and the rest are marked by festivities, drumming, eating, winning and merrymaking, by this he had won the admiration of the deprived poor who still sleep in slums and ghettoes as their perpetual dwelling areas, the real down trodden who still see poverty sleeping by their down side. Indeed they see it as a sign of relief and giving back to Caesar what belongs to him. One may wonder why the Lawmakers passed such an act, to get are Jones or put our monetary policy back in order that he has been accused of putting in disorder, indeed one may think that it was intended to put our monetary policy back on course. Mr. Jones had earlier been brought to an halt by the senate not to proceed with the loan presentation because he was violating the laws of Liberia, but he failed to listened but continue his 4G loan presentation. Some may think that this was a flagrant disrespect to the Honorable legislature, the first branch of government that has the power to make the law, and anyone getting in conflict with such law at the detriment of the Liberians people can be summoned. Shockingly and disappointingly, Thursday March 6 witnessed a strange happening in our political history when pro Jones’ supporters took to the streets to petition themselves in the name of expressing their disappointment as to why such a bill was passed. The protestors had no document to present, but placards of the self styled humanitarian, whom many in the crowd did not know how to defend, who then they did petition, of course themselves, but what is the rationale behind all of these? where did money come from in the first place to rent the gargantuan buses that stood at the capitol building and even to rent an incredible crowd that we saw, did the money come from governor Jones’ pocket or the Liberian people’s coffers, how does one delineate between governor Jones’ own money and the Liberia people money he manages? These are hard questions that the pro Jones’ supporters should be asking themselves. This is a neo form of political corruption and a misuse of public office in our society which must be stopped. One may wonder why a humanitarian mission should be undercut by political intent, strangely the well scholarly governor has not spoken, even though the Liberia Business Association, LIBA headed by Dee-Maxwell Kemayah has made a loud mouth call and condemned the honorable legislature for passing such a law. Now that the bill is before Madam President, should we support the signing of such a law that many consider as infringing on the rights of others to freely compete in politics? Critical and well informed minds think so, their argument is why would one of the chiefs of our monetary policy be wasting the Liberian people’s money to few Liberians in the name of a loan, when the country’s economy is in a bad shape, bleeding and needs a revival if not a complete overhaul in the face of the high inflation the country faces. What has Mill Jones Done to handle this economy slavery that has overwhelmed our state? People of good thinking, I mean right minded individuals see the political economist and self styled humanitarian as trying to steal the show so early and that the political shoes are too heavy for him to untie, for this I continue to wonder, why are Liberians who are today’s victims of economy deprivation and economy slavery continue to adore a political demi-god for the Little manna that falls from the CBL reserve that they see as the first heaven? No doubt, I personally see Governor Jones as erudite state man who has brought some enormous changes to the CBL , but differ with how his political intend has overshadow the economic growth of the nation. His quest to end the new CBL building is very welcomed, I applaud him for such, this I know many of you will, but he needs to slow down a bit because his political purpose has been greeted by lots of hullaballoo. Please hold a brake and rethink your political strategy if there is any ambition Mr. Governor!!!!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 13:04:43 +0000

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