Milo, in full piss take mode... ‘Femsteering,’ the - TopicsExpress


Milo, in full piss take mode... ‘Femsteering,’ the crippling disability endangering our roads by Milo Yiannopoulopoulopoulos (excerpt) : You’ve heard of “manspreading,” that odious expression of white male patriarchy in which men sit on the subway or Tube with their legs too far apart and use up all the space, making the delicate wallflowers of the feminist literati feel violated on their way to work. You may also have heard of “manslamming,” in which conflict-hungry girl bloggers throw themselves into strangers on the street in an attempt to show that men don’t get out of the way for women on the sidewalk. But Breitbart has discovered an even more pernicious gender-specific public nuisance that is endangering anyone on the roads. The phenomenon is known as “femsteering,” and it describes the almost total inability of any woman to competently operate an automobile. Though whispered about on men’s rights forums, in working men’s clubs and on the pages of tabloid newspapers for decades, this is the first time the trend has been discussed in the open in a serious publication. According to the activists drawing attention to this ugly expression of female privilege, femsteering affects all of us: men, women and children, and threatens the personal safety of anyone on the motorway or, especially, on busy streets outside schools. Its effects are dramatic and visually arresting, they report: crumpled bumpers, crippled cyclists and petrified passengers screaming: “Mommy, why are you driving us into the wall?!” Yet some women insist the whole thing has been cooked up as yet another way of oppressing women. Asked yesterday to comment on the phenomenon, Guardian blogger Judy Truncheon said: “For too long men have expressed their cis privilege by alluding to a mystical driving manoeuvre no woman has ever successfully executed, referred to as ‘parallel parking.’ It’s time feminism took a stand against this patriarchal fairy story and said it out loud: women can drive just as well as men. ...Be sure to read this one in full. Go here, NOW! : tinyurl/k63ntot Ill just leave this here too : tinyurl/m89orcx ~ Tim
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 04:55:37 +0000

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