Mind If I Share? I alluded to a condition I have called, - TopicsExpress


Mind If I Share? I alluded to a condition I have called, Menieres. I am sharing the following with the anticipation that I may enlighten someone else who has the condition. SPINNING: I was speaking of my problem with Menieres. I have recurring episodes of Vertigo that range from mild to profound. Vertigo is similar to the sensation you experience if you spin around quickly several times and suddenly stop. You feel as if the room is still spinning, and you lose your balance. Episodes of vertigo occur without warning and usually last 5 minutes to hours. I am currently going through an episode that has lasted for a couple weeks with only occasional cessation. It is not unusual for me to rise from my chair and reel across the room and slam into a wall or furniture. The spinning may be slow or incredibly rapid. HEARING LOSS: Hearing loss in Menieres disease may fluctuate, particularly early in the course of the disease. Eventually, most people experience some degree of permanent hearing loss. I now have hearing aids. RINGING IN THE EARS (tinnitus). Tinnitus is the perception of a ringing, buzzing, roaring, whistling or hissing sound in your ear. I am never without a shrill and what sounds like a loud whistle in my ears. FEELING OF FULLNESS IN THE EAR: People with Menieres disease often feel aural fullness or increased pressure in the ear. I also have a feeling of fullness in the cranium which is somewhat atypical. A typical episode might start with a feeling of fullness in your ear, increasing tinnitus and decreasing hearing followed by severe vertigo, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. I never vomit although I believe mine is in advanced stages. I do get sick at my stomach. Such an episode might last 20 minutes to four hours, after which signs and symptoms improve. I have episodes that last all day and night. Episodes often occur in clusters, with long periods of mild or no symptoms (remission) between. I never know when I will have an episode. Menieres, for me, is terribly unpredictable. I have fallen too many times to count. Most likely I had Meinieres for at least 25 years before I was given a diagnosis. After dozens and dozens of visits to the doctor a nurse eventually told me I had the symptoms of Menieres. I remain grateful to her. Not one doctor ever mentioned Menieres or vertigo although I was providing them with the classic symptoms of Menieres. Perhaps this will help someone else..
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 18:43:08 +0000

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